Hideo Kojima's first point and click game is also one of the best ever made. Though not as thorough with its hard science as its successor Policenauts, it more than makes up for it with a cast of characters you'll find yourself becoming attached to very quickly, and a gripping story reminiscent of They Live (you thought I was gonna say Blade Runner huh). This is easily the best Christmas game ever made, check it out.


This is a decent little platforming game with some dated pop culture references and pretty good level design. Not transcendent by any means but I would recommend it to platforming fans.

(this review is also applicable to the Game Gear version)

A technical marvel for the Sega Genesis that was criminally overlooked due to its late release. Very unique style of play; you use your arms to grab and fling enemies, as well as help build momentum to fly through levels (since you are a shooting star after all). Very colorful, looking like a later SNES title than a Genesis title. Highly recommended for fans of the Genesis and Mega Drive.

(this review is also applicable to the Game Gear version)

A technical marvel for the Sega Genesis that was criminally overlooked due to its late release. Very unique style of play; you use your arms to grab and fling enemies, as well as help build momentum to fly through levels (since you are a shooting star after all). Very colorful, looking like a later SNES title than a Genesis title. Highly recommended for fans of the Genesis and Mega Drive.

Nice of the princess to invite us over for a picnic, 'ay Luigi?

This game is better than base Pac-Man just on the fact that it has more than one level. In turbo mode, this is probably the best arcade game ever made.


There's really not much to this game being that it's an arcade single-stick shooter from 1980, but seeing how far you can get in Evil Otto's electric labyrinth, taking care to destroy each of his robot minions before he gets ya, just makes for an addictive experience.

Though not as fun as Berzerk, I still find myself spilling quarters into Robotron 2084: a twin stick shooter that would set the stage for Smash TV and XenoCrisis later down the line.

This is the peak of arcade twin-stick shooters in the realm of Smash TV and Robotron 2084. Grab a friend, because this game is tough as nails, but with all the addictiveness of the arcade classics.

Plug a second stick into port 2 and get to playing! This is The Running Man in video game form. You're a convict forced to fight for his life on a game show. Shoot your way through if you can!

A fun top-down racing game. Not much else to it, aside the fact you can buy upgrades to your vehicle between races. A game I always go back to, especially on the Master System.

If you like RC Pro Am, check this one out, it's a blast, especially with friends, since you can screw them over in races.

It's short and kinda easy, but I really love the level design in this game. It's a very fun Sonic experience for your pocket.

If Triple Trouble was short and easy, this game is markedly so. It's relatively cheap on the Game Gear, so it's still worth playing for that reason alone, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it. I will say, very good music, even better than Triple Trouble.

An excellent platforming game for the NES. The cane mechanic sets this one apart from other games of its time, and makes for a fun time.