This game has the greatest original soundtrack of all-time, thank you Yuzo Koshiro.

And the gameplay is tight and impactful, just what you'd want out of a beat 'em up.

This game is fun, but its level design is oftentimes confusing. Still, I gotta love this due to its humor.

This is a more straightforward Sonic experience compared to previous games, and I think that's why many hold it in higher regard than those. That said, despite its straightforwardness, it's got tons of style, some sick levels, and an excellent soundtrack.

The "Sonic 3 Complete" rom hack is the way you need to experience this.

(This review is also applicable to Pokemon White)

The story in this game is incredible. Are Pokemon slaves to humans, or are they willing to join their captures in their adventure, and if so, is that moral? The battle of truth and ideal culminates here.

(this review is also applicable to Pokemon Black 2)

I feel that Black and White 1 had a more enjoyable story, but this game is chock full of more content. Gameplay wise, it's the best Pokemon has ever been.

A technical mahvel I tell ya! The game's difficulty does spike at times, but the level design and platforming is fun all the same. Donkey Kong Country is truly perfect. If you do not get this new generation of Donkey Kong madness, YOU ARE STUPID. Yeah, we know, it's insulting, but it's also the truth.

The Virgin Diddy's Kong Quest
-no one remembers that name
-stupid play on words

The Chad Diddy Kong's Quest
-everyone remembers that name
-straight to the point, no wordplay

Oh and the game's great too. Not as good as the first but I'm in the minority on that.

Really short game but full of fun levels, and of course, Chao Garden mini!

A fun followup to Sonic Advance with improved level design at the sacrifice of engaging platforming. For that reason, it's on the same level of Advance 1 but for different reason.

This is a great game for both investing a lot of time into, as well as coming back to at later dates. It's nice and cozy like a cup of hot cocoa. And I love Blathers.

The balance in this game is the best it's ever been in Smash, and so has the roster. That's literally all you need.

I'd give this a full five if it weren't for World of Light being lackluster.

There's not really any objectives to complete here, so I can't recommend it as a single player game. If you do a lot of online or couch multiplayer, I highly recommend this, you will grow to hate your friends and the world.

Still a blast to play at parties with friends, but not real reason to unless you have the N64 out.