2608 Reviews liked by tasukete

A fairly late and mediocre NES platformer that looks and sounds pretty good, but is ultimately very forgettable.
Another game you can beat in 30 minutes and which shows its teeth only towards the end with some really annoying enemy placement.

The gameplay is a simple jump-and-attack affrair with Mario like power-ups gained through the levels and lost upon losing health. While it's enjoyable that the whole game is themed around food, I found the movement to be a bit too slow.

If you want to try something new for the evening, fire it up. It's charming enough to not get boring, but doesn't have enough of an identity to stand out.

This is in many ways impressive for an Atari 2600 game. it even has background music! But unfortunately it's not all that fun to play decades later. it involves exploring and platforming around looking for treasure while dodging enemies. Dodging can be annoying because you need to be pixel-perfect a lot of the time. There are no lives or game overs, but the main reason you play is for score, and you lost points upon dying.

Crash Bandicoot 4 is a blast from the past, but with a twist! It's got those classic Crash levels full of crates, gems, and ridiculous platforming... but adds in new masks, playable characters, and crazy challenges. Be warned, this game is HARD, like old-school hard, which was frustrating at times but also super rewarding when you finally beat that one level. If you're up for a challenge and love Crash's goofy world, this one's a must-play.

"Style over substance" but not in a bad way. The visuals and music are fantastic, the gameplay is simple but addictive, and the story is far more interesting than you'd expect for something like this. I also recommend checking out mods if you're playing on PC.

Perfect Dark was a quantum leap forward in the first-person shooter genre on consoles. Taking what made Goldeneye 007 so special on the same platform, Perfect Dark enhanced everything in a thrilling, sci-fi espionage package. With its expansive campaign, deep customization, and addictive multiplayer, players could choose how they'd experience the challenge. Although its visuals show their age, the innovative weapon functionality, level design, and sheer amount of content make Perfect Dark a true classic.

surprisingly solid run-n-gun (not so much running), but overall feels pretty good to play for an snes game. the description on here compares to castlevania and contra and i must say, it's basically somewhere between the two.

Very cute, silly writing that will have you wearing out your screenshot button, and some pretty good feeling platforming. It's interesting the way this sequel solves the need to backtrack by letting you traverse the same environments repeatedly with slight variations. Unfortunately though I think that choice waters down the experience too much and flattens the need to use all 4 characters interchangeably. Truly I think the art style makes this game worthwhile. I wish more games looked like this!

This is nitpicky but I wish the cut scene music didn't exist, that is probably my biggest criticism.

Super lindo e carismático, eu e meu primo, nós juntamos para terminar uns jogos antigos e nós lembramos desse. E que joguinho bonito e a trilha sonora perfeita, espero que eu ache ela no spotify para escutar depois <3

Mickey to Donald Magical Adventure 3, es el tercer juego de la saga de juegos Mickey de Capcom. Fue lanzado en exclusiva para la Super Famicom en japón en 1995.

Este juego vuelve a tener multijugador cooperativo, y podremos controlar a Mickey o a el pato Donald. En esta ocasión Juanito, Jaimito y Jorgito se han metido por error en un libro mágico. El libro va sobre un reino que tiene un malvado rey llamado Pete, para salvarlos, deberemos de derrotar también a Pete y salvar a las gentes del reino. La historia y el planteamiento del juego viene a ser más de lo mismo de las entregas anteriores. Si algo funciona, ¿para qué cambiarlo? En esta ocasión tendremos otros tres nuevos trajes. Con e traje de caballero dispondremos de un escudo con el que protegernos y una lanza para golpear enemigos. El traje de escalador viene con una cuerda muy útil, que nos permite hace girar enemigos cual peonzas, además de ayudarnos a escalar por columnas. Por último, con el traje de mago lanzaremos una paloma mágica que transformará a los enemigos y los volverá inofensivos.

Como siempre el apartado gráfico es sobresaliente, con colores vivos, diseños de animación estilizados y adorables y animaciones por todos los lados. Este nivel de atención a los detalles hace que el juego se siente muy vivo.

El aparado sonoro tampoco se queda corto, para mi gusto está al nivel de ele de la entrega anterior o quizá incluso un poco por encima, con temas muy animados y pegadizos.

El diseño de niveles es divertido y la curva de dificultad creo que es adecuada, quizá mejor incluso que el anterior juego. Prácticamente todos los niveles nos introducirán un nuevo tipo de obstáculo que podremos solventar de distintas maneras. Los jefes en especial, creo que destacan para bien en este juego, ya que tienen diseños interesantes como en el segundo juego y además muchos de ellos usan el Modo 7 de la SNES. El jefe final en cambio vuelve a ser un poco aburrido. Se nota que Pete tenía que ser el jefe final de manera obligatoria en todos los juegos y eso limita la creatividad en este último desafío. Aunque no es una maravilla, tampoco es el Pete más aburrido al que me he enfrentado.

Mickey to Donald Magical Adventure 3 es el final de esta trilogía de Capcom. Junta muchos de los elementos de los juegos anteriores para crear un juego aún más redondo si cabe. Es importante saber que solo está en japones, a no ser que juegues alguno de los ports posteriores de GBA, pero la historia se puede entender más o menos gracias a las cuidadas animaciones. Es divertido desde el primer momento y un juego que no te fallará.

O jogo final da trilogia Magical Quest, apesar de não ter saído oficialmente no ocidente até a versão de GBA muitos anos depois do lançamento. Isso, no entanto, não impediu ele de ser jogado por aqui em cartuchinhos piratas, e ser integralmente em japonês não é nenhum problema.

Ele segue o padrão dos outros dois jogos: gráficos charmosos e cheios de personalidade, a jogabilidade padrão Capcom dos anos 90 e uma dificuldade super acessível para qualquer um.

Assim como o segundo, ele pode ser jogado em coop, sendo Mickey e Donald, mas diferente do jogo anterior, os personagens possuem ligeiras diferenças nas transformações. Falando nelas, uma das marcas registradas da série, voltamos a ter três: O cavaleiro, onde o Mickey veste uma armadura tão pesada que simplesmente afunda como uma âncora na água, mas possui uma lança de jousting com uma luva de boxe na ponta, que permite golpear para cima e para baixo também (além de ser usada para acessar algumas áreas graças ao knock-back de usar ela contra uma parede), ao passo de que o Donald veste um barril e uma panela como armadura, que permite a ele flutuar na água, mas utiliza uma marreta de brinquedo como arma, podendo apenas desferir golpes para frente; em seguida temos o escalador, retornando como sempre, mas aqui numa mecânica diferente de usar um cinto para escalar superficies cilíndricas e se arremessar com o impulso, alem de poder usar a corda de escalada como um chicote contra inimigos e cubos, sendo a unica classe relativamente igual para os dois; e, por fim, o mágico, sendo o Mickey um magico caricato com cartola que atira o projetil num ângulo mais abaixo, e o Donald sendo inspirado pelo Aladinn, usando uma lâmpada mágica que dispara os projeteis um pouco mais a frente e numa altura um pouco maior por consequência, sendo ambos com a mesma função de dano e de transformar inimigos atingidos pelos disparos.

Diferente dos jogos anteriores, aqui o level design de um modo geral é mais pensado para usar as três roupas e trocar elas constantemente ao longo das fases. Elas seguem sendo importantes em todo o jogo, e não só nas suas respectivas fases de aparecimento. Ainda há problemas de level design meio que obtuso em alguns níveis (sobreturo o final), mas são fases divertidas e com temáticas muito bacanas, sendo que isso também é auxiliado pela beleza do jogo.

É tranquilamente o melhor da trilogia, e um ótimo jogo de plataforma, dos melhores do Super Nintendo.

Imagine Ecco the Dolphin as done by Square Enix. A majestic platforming romp spanning billions of years, which is even more amazing than it sounds. Start as a tiny fish and evolve as you progress, until you're an axe-wielding caveman. The final boss is COVID-19.

excellent game to play while something else is running in the background. it's grindy at times, but this is a journey of life across a billion years. what better excuse is there for a grind?

I would think less of E.V.O. if I didn't enjoy the concept of it so much. hopping around and chomping at stuff doesn't actually feel that great, which is accentuated on the boss fights. I was mostly looking forward to seeing how each evolution would change my primordial pal's stats/abilities and more importantly how he looked. can't think of many other games that let me have a horse-bodied, hippo-jawed, antler-having brachiosaurus.

I wish there was a true spiritual successor to this game! The concept of evolving through eras is a cool idea, and treating it like an RPG where you sort of level yourself up by developing new traits is a great progression system. I think the game is a little uneven, with some eras being far more fun than others (especially through the mammal era), and it can get a little grindy without a diverse enough gameplay loop to justify it. But, it's still a fun game that deserves some love!

Not great, extremely grindy even when you’re like me and you play on an emulator and with higher exp cheat codes cause you don’t give a dang. But the dinosaurs going extinct! It messed me up. Seeing the dead bodies of the triceratops and his child huddled together after the meteor falls, when only a few moments before you rescued that child and reunited them, and then seeing their ghosts later on, are the kinds of things I hope to see and feel when I play games

Really bizarre game and concept overall, not dissimilar to something like Spore except much earlier. There are times where it feels a bit too grindy, and the bosses are much harder than the actual stages, but ultimately I think it survives the weight of its ambitions. I enjoyed this pretty thoroughly, even if it was rough around the edges and not exactly amazing. I thought it was very fun and rewarding to experiment with all the different evolutionary traits it provides your character. By the end of the game I had become this weird lion-horse hybrid of sorts.

It'll definitely take some patience, especially without savestates, but I would recommend this one. There's not really anything like it from the time.