better and more fun gameplay than the 2018 game, and I enjoyed the characters in this story more for the most part BUT i feel that it's almost a bit too short and one or two many bugs for the price and length, and at the end of the day it IS basically DLC to the 2018 SM game

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yeah I mean this is a class game for a reason. it loses a bit of momentum in the mountaintop region BUT it's really not that important because you're not there for that long and the game does a good job of teaching you how to play without making it obvious which makes losing to the final boss every time a pain even though everything they do is telegraphed well ahead of time and it's technically easy, but it's a challenge. great fun game. love it. can't wait for dlc and also to play any other game as this took me 100 hours (and 22 minutes to beat)

After seeing people hype this up, this game was insanely disappointing. Lacking in world with repetitive quests, poor graphics and frequent glitches.

As a kid who loved Gen 4 and specifically the changes Platinum made over a decade ago, this is hugely disappointing

It's a simple game but it's a lot of fun

Massively got me into wanting to play roguelikes again, this game is incredibly well balanced and keeps you wanting to come back for more

arguably the ultimate smash fighter (speaking as a non - competitive player), it's fun to bash around with pals. but I think it suffers from a lack of anything else to do - as flawed as the Subspace Emissary was for some it at least got me playing as different characters. I'm hours and hours and years into owning this and there's still some characters I've yet to touch.

A lovely short little game! Having played some but not all of the original Metroid, I feel that this is the superior version in many ways, my only real issue being that because the GBA screen is so small it makes the game feel quite claustrophobic, though that's not the games fault. As copies of this are insanely hard to come by I played this on my phone with a controller connected, but if I can ever find a legit copy I'll be sure to pick it up because this is one of the best games of it's genre that I've ever played.

revolutionary game for sure and opened the door for future 3D gaming but this has aged so poorly it's not even funny

mixed thoughts! took me over 15 hours to play fully, first time, on heroic, simple fun straightforward but can be a bit tooooo difficult now and again! weird spikes, easy then hard then relatively challenging then easy then hard.

Fun idea for a game, feels like it gets a bit repetitive ironically towards the end, especially if you're not a pro first person shooter gamer, but it's fun, importantly, to just mess around and see what you can do

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Genuinely quite disappointing, absolutely the worst of the original Crash trilogy. Fun, but it wears off and the final boss is the definition of underwhelming. Weird difficulty curve, goes up and down on a whim.