cool little 3 hour long game

arcade stuff is fun, didn't really care much for the parts between that

better than smash in nearly every aspect

3ds dpad sucks and is in an odd position. other than that it's fine i guess

i remember it being okay

i went into an online game and 5 random people eviscerated me instantly

minesweeper for cyber warriors

wii version was better i think

very cryptic puzzle game. not really my cup of tea but i got it free so whatever

not even funny as a "so bad it's good" novelty party game

played it for like 3 hours on a car trip and refunded it and bought rhythm heaven ds instead. best choice of my life

i grew up in arizona so this game isnt interesting since i basically lived it every day anyways

You see, the game being boring is actually a critique on how video gan fginefafoecvveii3edogmamamee geagm mamaawdw af feav