still a damn fantastic game even after all these years! the levels and worlds feel so vibrant and alive, there's so many little details in the environments and enemies and it's clear how much care went into everything. the difficulty is perfect for the most part, most of the levels are a great challenge and it's super satisfying to get them done and get all the KONG letters in one go at the same time. i say most because there are a certain few levels that feel slightly unfair cause of inconveniently placed checkpoints or diddy kong barrels (or lack thereof... looking at 6-K). but overall? had a really good time revisiting this instead of working on stuff for finals like i should've been doing

fun for the first 30 minutes or so until you realize this is literally just ark again

one time i was playing with my friend and i tried to bring a beehive into the ship but i accidentally closed the door when the bees came in there with us and we both died. genuinely really fun game, makes sense why it's become so popular, excited to see what gets added in the future

disregarding the fact that this game gave me nightmares as a kid for literally no reason, it's actually pretty decent and replaying it didn't feel like a complete waste of time. some of the graphics haven't aged too well, but the low poly exaggerated style of the objects and environments have a very specific nostalgic charm to them. a lot of the objects are arranged/hidden in clever ways, so it's slightly challenging but not terribly difficult. i wish that the camera didn't feel so zoomed in but it's not a big deal-- it's an old DSiware game and you'll be playing on a smaller screen anyways. the physics are a little janky and there were a few occasions where an object i needed clipped through the wall and disappeared, but luckily you can't get softlocked from that since leaving and exiting a room resets the objects' positions. overall not bad if you're wanting something simple you can finish within a few hours


lots of genuinely really funny stuff in here but i honestly couldn't care less about all the touhou stuff, like i was expecting it to be a one off bit but it just kept going? it's whatever though i still had a decent amount of fun with it in the end. this truly was an undertale 2

first time playing a warioware IT'S A BANGER

i'm actually kinda in shock at how much better this was compared to the first wario land? not gonna 100% it just yet but i definitely want to come back to this someday for sure

solid little platformer, not much else to say about it other than that i had fun with it

this was so fascinating what the hell? all the art and worldbuilding is extremely good, i'm really excited to see what the second part will bring

i really do think that by the time deltarune is fully released it will have completely outdone everything that undertale has done, but man this game has such a special place in my heart. it's a warm comforting hug that i always end up coming back to

nah for real had a lot of fun with it, though you'll definitely get more mileage out of it if you've played hypnospace (which i have). this game's also a bit on the shorter end (like 3-4ish hours) but the maps have lots of secrets and little details to find which makes it worth replaying

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this game managed to completely outdo just about everything botw did and i'm honestly in shock, like you don't really expect a sequel (especially one that's been so extremely hyped from the moment it was announced) to exceed your expectations this much right?

totk makes tons of interesting changes and additions to the world of hyrule and it's an absolute treat to explore and see what's changed over the years. even though i spent hundreds of hours in botw in the past, it felt like i was exploring hyrule for the first time all over again in the best way possible

the ultrahand building mechanics are fun to mess with and feel pretty well connected to the world. with botw's sheikah slate i honestly would forget about the some of the abilities most of the time until i ran into a specific situation that called for them, but with ultrahand giving you the ability to stick together stuff from the environment to make silly little vehicles to explore or use for other purposes, there's a lot more motivation for using the abilities and they don't just feel like a novelty that you'll forget about after a while

i really enjoyed the story and had fun piecing everything together as i learned more about everything that happened, even though i kinda predicted where some of the plot was gonna go relatively early on i still had tons of fun watching it all come together in the end

there's only a few problems that i actually have with totk and they're mainly just nitpicks, like the sudden unexplained disappearance of all the ruined guardians and other sheikah architecture feels extremely weird (granted i haven't talked to every npc or done every side quest so maybe i somehow missed an explanation?). also the performance issues got on my nerves sometimes but that's kinda expected for switch games at this point

overall an incredible experience, just as great (if not even better) as botw

the most enjoyment i got out of this game as a kid was from figuring out how to noclip out of bounds and it's pretty much the same case as an adult

i am physically incapable of building a zoo that isn't constantly teetering on the verge of debt but i still have so much fun cause placing animals in their habitats and then seeing the little green smiley faces pop up as i put down stuff to fulfill their needs makes my brain feel happy