Ranking Every Game I Played in 2021

There are several other games I played this year that are not on this list simply because I'm not far enough in to have a strong enough opinion on, like Quake.

The absolute peak of the 7th generation. It is the perfect blend of sublime action gameplay with great characters and major thematic weight. Action RPGs don't get much better than this.
Honestly, after playing the demo, I was worried it would come nowhere near as close to the quality of the original World Ends With You, but man, the Final Week is so good, it hard carries the game and gave me what I want from a game like this. Also Fret is the people's champion, you cannot change my mind.
FFVIIR may not be the most mechanically dense game Square has made, but I feel its combat system is utilized in a really great way. Also the final hours of the game are genuinely incredible. What is it with Square Enix and just absolutely nailing the final hours with their games because I am all for it


I'm a relative newbie when it comes to FPSes, so a lot of Doom's age didn't affect my experience at all, and what I got was a really fun, high-octane game with a damn good OST to boot.
I'm currently doing a playthrough of the series for the first time, and I gotta admit, for not really being a fan of tank controls, RE utilizes it quite well and actually adds to the tension of these situations. The giant spiders can go to Hell, though.
It gave us Grubs, it's an 8 out of 10 at the bare minimum.
If we're talking strictly gameplay, 64 is the best of the Doom games I played, but level 15, man...
The cast of characters is really well fleshed out, the soundtrack is sublime, the aesthetic is incredible, and I find the themes the best out of any Double Fine game. I'm still gonna fistfight whoever designed these puzzles though.
Katamari games are generally nice and chill games to just sit back with and vibe to, with this being no exception.
Most of my Mega Man experience comes from the X series, and I feel more qualified to talk about those games than the Classic series, but 11 is a decent enough alternative with some fairly solid level design. Also, kind of a power gap after this.
Definitely one of the better Musou games with quite possibly the highest skill ceiling of them all, but damn, the enemy design hasn't changed at all.
I've never felt more conflicted with a game in my life, because Psychonauts 2 is not a bad game at all, but it feels so woefully underdeveloped in its themes and level design. For what it's worth, the bowling alley level is genuinely one of the most beautiful moments from this entire console generation, but that makes the lack of development throughout the game hurt all the more.


Fun is in very short bursts in this game, as its level design is hideously obtuse, and I was bored and frustrated throughout its entire runtime. Also the Icon of Sin is one of the worst final bosses I've ever fought.
Yo, this game controls like pure ass. There's some fun to be had throwing cars like frisbees, but that's about as much as you can get from this game in any capacity.
How this managed to be worse than the first game, I will never know, but by God, they did it. A game with a combat system this shallow has no right being as long as a goddamn Trails game. There is nothing here that even rises up to being decent, the whole game is a big batch of nothing.
The moment I realized this was the same dev team behind Vampire Rain sealed this game's fate.


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