293 Reviews liked by thecasccas

You know that clichéd moment in movies where someone turns a crank too hard and it snaps off and the machine just begins to go 200% speed and lights are flashing red and steam is shooting out of pipes and it's rocking around like a dryer with a pair of boots in it?




Shambler não é apenas um inimigo de um fps. ELE É UM LIFESTYLE AMO-TE PELODITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


An amazing and beautiful dungeon crawler. Much better than Untold. A lot less padded, and the story makes sense. Not tacked on like some tumor. Music is AMAZING. Yuzo Koshiro is quite possibly the all time greatest FM music composers. A miracle that they used FM synthesis samples instead of some orchestral MIDI crap like it Strange Journey. However, the backtracking at points in the game is BRUTAL. To get to Lost Shinjuku, you have to FUCKING WALK ALLLL THE WAY BACK TO B15F TO TALK TO THAT BITCHASS RUDHA MOTHERFUCKER AND SAY “oh yeah bruvvy we beat da bos we goin to the next stratum also y’all other adventurers are dumbass cunts who can’t do shit compared to us anywho see ya” AND THEN WALK ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THE WAY BACK TO B20F TO GO DOWN TO LOST SHINJUKU FOR REAL!!! Anyways rant over. Besides that issue, it’s a pretty good game. Clear Wizardry besides the fact there’s no magic Missile. I have almost no idea why all my r/MegaTen discord boys back in 2021 where all like “oh yeah dood you gotta play Untold if you wanna play EO1 it’s so much better og EO1 is so fucking archaic and old as my grandmother’s vacuum that’s fill of asbestos and lead fumes” even though the only real problems are the backtracking, battle speed (which can be fixed because I have Twilight Menu which can overclock the game’s CPU to around 133 MHz which is double the OG DS’ CPU), and the barebones story. Which one, I already said that. Two, I just said that. And three, Untold story was padded to shit, the new dungeon was filler and was so poorly designed it makes Shin Megami Tensei if… look like a masterpiece of dungeon design in comparison, and all of the characters were annoying as fuck. Also the music in Untold was awful. Doesn’t compare to the original. Untold did have an FM synth mode, but that was broken and wasn’t accurate to the original. Anyways, y’all r/MegaTen cunts are idiots and I hope your next SMT game is shit like the rest. What was I talking about again? Oh yeah. I love the character design. Oh? The guy has a Twitter account? Oh sweet I wonder what he po—SWEET MARY MOTHER OF THE HOLY LORD AND SAVIOR AND SON OF GOD JESUS CHRIST ALMIGHTY HOW THE FUCK DID THEY HIRE THIS DUDE

TL;DR: Fuck Untold, Go play OG EO1

Continuem a votar PS continuem. Já viste o preço de espadas? Pois mano, tudo por causa do Costa.

There is no Healing magic.
No Star Fall magic.
No Holy Sword that cuts the dark.
No Resurrection magic to bring loved ones back.
Because we live in such a world, we continue to write stories.

This story...
It just exists.

It's not meant to cheer up the disillusioned masses.
It's not meant to give courage to some unknown hero.
It just exists.

It will still find its way into someone's heart,
and that will give rise to a new story.

Shadow please stop saying "black creatures" you're gonna get cancelled

As rickety and often barely functional yet ultimately powerful as its titular protagonists. Less than an hour into this replay, I got stuck inside a door and had to reload a save to get out, had a guard I’d intimidated into passivity turn hostile again when he rounded a corner and witnessed an unconscious, bedridden patient aggressively A-pose when I fed on his doctor, but as ever, I stick with it regardless because virtually everything else about the game is so enthralling. The ladies call it “oh God!,” but you can call it Vampire the Masquerade – Bloodlines.

Paradoxically, VTMB’s main strength is probably its immersion. No amount of glitchiness could be enough to prevent anyone from feeling smothered in the atmosphere of dark urban decay it depicts, even after several playthroughs; this was my fourth since I was little and I still find myself wary of areas which I should know by now have no enemies or other dangers, because (appropriately, considering the game’s premise) there’s always a pervasive sense that there could be. Something less obvious that contributes to this is the fact that it’s one of few RPGs with a contemporary setting – it’s easier to feel on edge when familiar locales like a beachside hotel, a hospital or an arcade are supernaturally twisted into something uncomfortable. These aspects join hands with a soundtrack which sounds like what you’d see if you peered into the mind of any of this portrayal of LA’s aimless drifters, grungy ambient sound effects, imposing neo-Gothic architecture and some lovely, imagination-sparking skyboxes to make each of its four small but dense hub worlds that much more of a joy to explore, even when the later portions take their infamous downturn in terms of options for resolving quests and general rushed-ness.

It's a pity that the endgame’s so combat-orientated given that the combat system, despite being somewhat flexible and satisfying in small doses thanks to some of the more out-there vampiric powers, generally isn’t engaging enough to maintain long-term interest. One area in which VTMB never falters, though, is in terms of character interactions. Stellar voice acting and facial animations unique in their sheer expressiveness, true even of NPCs which most players might never even encounter, don’t just bring its cast to (un)life but also make the dialogue system feel more natural, too. As in the first two Fallout games with which Troika shared several staff, NPCs’ demeanour towards you is telegraphed diegetically via their facial expressions and, although speech checks are highlighted by a bunch of fancy fonts, there’s no indication of whether you’ll succeed at them or whether doing so’ll even result in a beneficial outcome. Only on my third playthrough did I learn that you can lock yourself out of getting the Downtown haven if you’re too cheeky to LaCroix, with no warnings next to any of the dialogue options that result in this. It’s all too rare and all too cool that an RPG pulls the rug out from under you like this and lets you get whisked away on a domino effect of your poor decisions, however minor they seem at the time.

What accentuates this even further is the diversity between the clans you can pick at the start. Playing a Malkavian or Nosferatu in particular’s so differentiated from those with their heads and/or skin screwed on that it’s almost like playing the game for the first time again; as above, it wasn’t until this replay that I learned you could skip the tutorial and miss out on a free lockpick until I realised the hard way that I don’t have as good a grasp on the voices in my Malk’s head as I’d thought. It occasionally feels like every character needing to be voiced restricted the lengths Troika could go to in integrating unique interactions for these oddball clans, but the fact that there’s one entirely optional clan which alters every single line of player dialogue in the game and at least one other which fundamentally changes how you have to navigate the hubs is really impressive, no less for the restraint this must’ve taken than for its impact on gameplay and replay value – again, reminiscent of low-INT builds in Fallout 1 and 2.

You’ll probably have noticed that this review’s got a consistent thread running through it of getting slapped in the face with things I didn’t know were in the game before, and that’s because a core draw of VTMB is discovery. It’s why I’ve not dug into how juicy much of its dialogue is, the surprising amount of other World of Darkness tabletops it draws from beyond just Vampire or the frequency with which it reminds you what a vivid imagination its character designers/artists have, because it all deserves to learnt firsthand. That said, I did make a tiny collage to drive home the latter point: these four characters all live on roughly the same street. The amount of effort it must’ve taken to conceptualise a cast so varied’s almost as mad to think about as the fact that VTMB is old enough now to arguably function as period piece.

This being as true of the time in which it released as of its contents is what led to this revisit in the first place. Having played and enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077 and Starfield in quick succession, both of which feature only about as many bugs across an entire playthrough as any individual hour of this (if even), I find it hard to imagine a world where the public wouldn’t sentence VTMB to the same death-by-hyperbole if it were to come out now, without the reputational fortune of being long solidified as a cult classic for epic gamers only. It turns out that releasing in the same week as Half Life 2, MGS3 and Halo 2 was a blessing in disguise, if only because this was well before the Camarilla saw fit to punish us with social media monetisation and how it's helped foster vague, directionless outrage about games most of those perpetuating it have no intention of playing anyway as its own micro-industry.

Forever glad that people were able to see the forest for the trees in this particular case, for whatever reason, and recognise that not even bugs on the level of crashing the game when you press the screenshot button or a penultimate boss in three out of four story routes constituting what may genuinely be the worst boss fight in any video game are enough to sink the one-of-a-kind RPG that VTMB is. Take the plunge into its supernatural underworld, look forward to making mistakes along the way and remember: don’t open it.

Wouldn't it be funny if we took an amazing modern imsim and turned it into a basic ass FPS game with boring decisions? Sure the fans would love that. Oh wait they did. They fucking ate it up.

it's a game that wasn't made for us and that is okay




"I hope you carry this power with you" OF COURSE YOU WILL, CARRY ON PAL.

yeh i liked this game.

Soulja Boy é um cara muito foda pprt

i thrust awake in a cold sweat beneath the quiet roof of my sengoku ranch. i remember that the deed is nearly complete - i'm on the brink of the backloggd alignment lock

the panting starts. then the puke; panicking over what i must do. i reflect on what has brought me to this point. the truth sets in

humans are given two choices in the fleeting existence they call life:

1. they rate kichikuou rance with a half star. completion status: abandoned. review roughly reads, "dont let rance fans near children" or, "i feel like a worse person for playing this". these people absolutely rule at parties and you should unconditionally take everything they say completely seriously

2. ten out of ten. reasons enigmatic. their thoughts may be more driven by seemingly sociopathic notions regarding how their life was changed by a fun strategy game with cartoon humor about a guy who does bad shit for women, money and power. there's a good chance these ones aren't getting invited to the aforementioned parties

this is where i forge my path; where i shall walk the road to dawn

...in all seriousness, i'm pretty amazed that something this meticulously detailed came from an eroge company - let alone in 1996. there are so many moving parts and interlinked events that it borders on overwhelming. tons of characters too - many of which you even won't meet because of how structurally dynamic everything is. seemingly whimsical decisions could have lasting consequences, be they positive or negative. it's all so thorough that looking up just about anything in a guide seriously compromises the overall experience

alicesoft's sheer fuck-it-we-ball energy is impossible not to respect here. they crammed every ridiculous idea they had for the series at the time into one sprawling what-if finale and somehow it actually worked. that said, since it's a rough summary for five games that at the time didn't even exist, the narrative feels a little rushed even though it clocks in at 40+ hours. definitely left me wanting a little more from the antagonists and world, but that's what the hundreds of hours worth in sequels is for, i suppose

look - if you think crassness is funny and you've remained skeptical of this series as i have for so long, i'd suggest considering it. if you're on the "i'd never play that shit" side of the spectrum, then you've already made up your mind and that's fine too

if you think this game's bad mechanically, however: skill issue, filtered and so on

here is a pdf that better formats/clarifies the in-game how to play section without any spoilers

if i had a nickel for every time a finger gun was the most powerful weapon in a video game i'd have 2 nickels which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice