ive been cursed by an evil wizard and his name is yoko taro

i cannot stop crying. this is it. this is peak. this is the best fuckign thing ever made i think.

i do not think i will ever forget the first time i played dishonored, it was a game left on my dads' late friend's xbox 360. i never actually managed to finish it on that 360, like a lot of stuff i played on it, but god do i remember it. i wouldn't finish dishonored until my dad eventually just showed up one day with a copy of definitive edition on ps4, and it was a great experience. i've since put in like 4 different playthroughs and each time it's very enjoyable. great world, great visuals, great characters. really good stuff.

free peggle i think but also a really weird valve/peggle tie in game. it feels like a game from a much much different time to me lmao

i do hate to say it but i just get really really bored of it now, it's not bad or anything, i just cannot play it for any extended amount of time. it really does make me think that maybe it isn't the kind of 'forever game' myself from a decade ago seemed to think, which does make me weirdly sad

halo but its all of them. very nice i think

very short and sweet sidescroller metroidvania-ish type deal. very pretty artwork, story is nice. i like the characters and world even if i think it's not incredibly mind blowing or anything. it's good and its cheap.

the companions in this game really elevated it into something else. it's a really repetitive, kinda dull game. i turned my brain off for most of it. but wow i just. really like these companions? they're good???? hgoly shit? merrill is my elf girlfriend, lets gooo

its like peggle but not very good unfortunately

one of the cutest sheep models in a video game. the aesthetic is insanely on-point but i realllllyyy did not like the combat at all sadly. it's also a spiritual predecessor to bravely default which is cool and nice imo.

mayhaps visually a bit of a step down from monster hunter world, i think rise still has a lot of charm, and it plays as good as mhw, with stuff i sometimes even like more. i do think the actual story content is pretty light but monster hunter's usually more about the actual hunting anyway, so it's all fine.

if you liked monster hunter world, there's a pretty good chance you'll vibe w this one too, much faster gameplay loop though, without the need to go out and search for the target monster(s) after the first time you do it. it does expedite farming quite a bit which is nice enough.

my one real complaint is kinda just not vibing too much w the way spiritbirds work, capping off max hp until you find enough of them, which i find to be a little annoying sometimes tbh

mihoyo's brand of gacha-grinding really doesn't appeal to me. i really dug the vibe and story of the first chapter, but fell off basically immediately after i got to the second hub-like area. i think the combat is pretty bland/standard, especially for a game that has a Lot of combat like this one. it doesn't feel super engaging or in-depth as i think something like it should be

i dont think im ever going to 'finish' this one, much like iceborne. it's a big time investment that i honestly usually feel a little too burnt out for near the middle. BUT, i do think that sunbreak is a really good expansion that improved on pretty much everything i wanted from rise. very fun. very cool. go kill more monster.

i think the whole buggy thing is alright. not by any means Incredible but it's fun enough. i do think that there's less to do and less to see but there are some good quests and good areas in there. i had a good enough time.