This is genuinely in a league of its own. I just love munching on strange mushrooms I find and finding myself in weird realities and dimensions.

When someone says a game is only really worth playing for fans, it's often a backhanded comment meaning "the game is subpar, but if you want to engage with the source material have at it." While I think this game is really only for fans, I think it's punching well above its weight.

Alien: Isolation is a passion project to its core. Creative Assembly was clearly inspired in its pursuit in creating an immersive Alien game that outpaces quality of the majority of canon films and games.

The atmosphere, setpieces, and impressive Xenomorph AI all all parts of a fantastic experiences catered explicitly for fans. It's such a passion project, that I'm afraid it gets lost in the sauce and ends up being about twice as long as it needed to be.

I think that's the main critique here, there was no exercise in constraint and the game long overstays its welcome. Still, it matches the atmosphere of the original movie fantastically, and is better than the latter 4 movies in the franchise. I'm sad Creative Assembly never got to take another swing at this, because despite its misgivings, their debut FPS adventure can go toe-to-toe with Arkane and Irrational Games. SEGA royally squandered so much potential here.

I think the beautiful tragedy of Popcap is that they made their best games near the end of their life. I’m not being facetious when I say it’s a tragedy PvZ never got a real sequel. I mean a real grid-based tower defense.

I don’t think I’ve ever touched a multiplayer horror game unless you count L4D/2. The silliness and alien aspects of the world combined with some thoughtful gameplay mechanics really keep this game immersive, mysterious, and above all, fun. For $10 I already got my money’s worth sans some frustrating bugs. This game is fantastic and I can’t wait to see it leave early access.

I’m having far more fun than I ever thought I would. The island is cryptic and dangerous, and its inhabitants are dynamic and worthy of respect.

I admit I might get bored. The caves are a huge resource-sink and I wished I found interesting things in them more often, but I don’t know that for sure. Right now I’m really enjoying the ride and I’m loving every surprise and cannibal visitor.

I wish I played the later games in the series. They looked like largely the same so I never bothered, and that may be unfair. Having only played 3 before this, the campaign was just so much fun. I found 4 was the one with the scenarios that were just easy to love and pulled me in for many hours.

Playing this game in 2023 reminds me of why I started to love gaming in the first place. I don't care about numbers going up as much as figuring out what kind of goofy antics I can get into with my magic. It's a little janky, sure, but this is head and shoulders above most games in fun factor.

This is my contender for most underrated DMG game. It's just a great fantasy pinball table. I'm just waiting for Nintendo to acknowledge it existed. I'd take a Smash Bros trophy or Gameboy Online addition.

This might be my favorite PC-E game. I know it's not a hot take at all, but the art and music come together to provide an incredible presentation for an imaginative fantasy pinball table that is designed in away I don't often see in pinball games.

I've played a good deal of pinball games and this one is firmly top tier for me alongside Metroid Prime Pinball and its successor, Demon's Tilt. I wish I liked Alien Crush as much, but XENOTILT fills me with hope!

It’s an alright Crusader of Centy clone

Imaginative and bold. I’ve never seen another game like it since.

A delightful crossover game with a laugh-out-loud story. It's not Puyo Puyo nor Tetris at their most hardcore, but this doesn't need to be. It's just a great time.

This one's for my capitalism hoes.