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The post game content is what really saved this game from being completely average for me. Story is nothing crazy and the characters are just okay. The gameplay is fun but only when you get all the party members and dig deep into their skill trees. Still a decent entry for the series regardless. I also can't give any game that has the GOAT Hootle in it anything less than 4 stars.

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Kinda conflicted on this one. This would've been a top 3 pokemon game if it dropped anywhere else other than the Switch. Didn't run into any major glitches outside of some frame drops thankfully. It's a shame cause Game Freak could've really made something special if Nintendo weren't breathing down their necks. Regardless, it's still an amazing entry for the series. Fun, new pokemon to choose from, interesting story lines and a surprisingly fire OST. Good but could've been way better.

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Easily the best Sonic game we've had in the longest time. However, it's not without its flaws. Final part of the game was 100% rushed and felt anticlimactic. Sonic's interactions with the other characters were amazing (thank you Ian Flynn). The callbacks to previous titles could not have made me happier as a Sonic fan. Great level design, great story, fun boss fights and an absolute banger of an OST. Really looking forward to that DLC. SEGA have something here, now they just need to perfect it. Sonic is my favorite video game character ever and Frontiers reminded me why.

Really happy I played this version of the game. Not my favorite FF but still an incredibly charming entry in the series.

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Easily one of the best JRPGs I've played. Great cast, great story and a great OST. Really wish they kept Golbez as the main villain though. The Interlude and After Years inclusions were amazing as well and really added on to an already great adventure. I'd recommend this to any FF or JRPG fan all day.

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Great story but it suffered from a lot of the problems that FF1 had. Leveling system was a pain. Really wanted Firion to be cooler but he's kinda just there along with the rest of the cast. Minwu, Leila and Ricard were dope though. Soul of Rebirth was a cool addition and was a saving grace for this game for me personally. Not a bad game, just lacking in some areas. Still a good follow-up to FF1 all things considered.

It has its flaws but it's still an absolute classic. Loved all the post-game content. PSP version looked and played great. Music and sprite work were amazing as well.

Playing this coming off of playing FF8 was refreshing. I loved the setting and characters. I'll probably play the pixel remaster at some point but having this version be my first intro to FF3 was enjoyable and fun.

Not my favorite Final Fantasy by any means but still an enjoyable game. The junction system and the storyline were janky but the concepts and characters were great. Squall the goat.

Excellent characters and aesthetics. Best combat in the series too and a super refreshing take on story and presentation. I can't wait to see where Falcom and Adol go next from here.

The weakest Ys entry in my opinion, but lots of cool things happened here lore-wise and set up the next game perfectly. Olha and Ernst are the goats.

Nothing great, nothing special. The plot was pretty barebones but still not as plain as Oath in Felghana. Wish it had a better OST. Karna is best girl. Played Lacrimosa of Dana before this so it was nice seeing Griselda in her debut game.

Glad I jumped through a couple of hoops to be able to play this entry. An absolute MONSTER OST and easily one of the best I've heard. The plot was lacking but I had fun nonetheless.

Top 2 entries in the series. Falcom really hit their stride with this one and let it be known that they have what it takes to craft a masterpiece. That Madoka Magica ass ending almost left me in tears too. Fun, fluid combat and fun characters.

Toal's route was the best route. Really repetitive but I enjoyed climbing up the tower using each character's skill set.