This games atmosphere is amazing and I adore the subtle storytelling and narrative.
The puzzles were mostly fun, and I personally do enjoy puzzle games that encourage trial and error, but I found that near the end of the game and sometimes just inbetween other great chapters there were puzzles that were more tedious than anything else, and I looked up a walkthrough for 2 or 3 levels throughout because; the gameplay is only fun when you're thinking of what to do or going through a time sensitive puzzle, when you just have to stand still and think about what you're missing or when pieces of puzzles have long windbacks or are far away from eachother, the game instantly becomes boring. During my playthrough I probably only averaged 20-30 minutes of playing per session because I would get bored/not bothered to keep trying at puzzles over a short amount of time. Sometimes I would return to the game an hour or so later but the point I'm making is that by the last 5-6 chapters I saw finishing the game more as a chore. I wasn't picking up the game because I enjoyed it, I was spending 10-15 minutes a day or so when I was bored in an effort to slowly chip away at it and finish the game just for the sake of finishing it.
While that was an entire paragraph about what I didn't like I still overall enjoyed the game but definitely stopped having as much fun/patience around the last third of the game.

It's pokemon diamond so like its hard to give it an awful score but its so incredibly bland and completely kills the atmosphere and feel of the originals

The base game is actually really great! Even though it's obviously not the most sophisticated game of all time and I dont think the developers expected it to be either, all in all the game is very fun. It's everything you wanted in an fps as a kid. Blood, guts, senseless violence and dumb humour. Even though every fibre of my being hates the vibe of this game and its creators I have to admit there is something so charming about it. But that's only for the base game. Apocalypse weekend is atrocious I do not reccomend playing it even if you really enjoyed the base game like I did. I have never wanted a game to end faster than it did more than I did during apocalypse weekend. Everything is wrong with it, the story is dumb but not in a goofy charming way like the regular story it's just lazy and it knows it. There's this one part where the game leads you to believe there'll be another little mission/activity after youcomplete a certain quest and it just cuts to a clip of the creator of the game on a phone call comically remarking about how they dont have the budget for the sequence in game so it just cuts to the next day instead. This is funny and I understand what they were doing but like it doesn't really work when the game is already dissapointing like the joke doesn't work when it's in a shit game and overall apocalypse weekend feels like it knows its shit and doesnt care and thats why its awful, I understand that's the tone of the base game too but there was still substance there. Anyways I dont care to finish the paradise lost dlc so im not accounting for that in my review. Without apocalypse weekend the game is a 3 and a half maybe even a 4, with it gets a generous 3 stars


I was really surprised about how well this game has aged, super fun gameplay, good music, amazing level design. Overall a really great game the only real critiques I have are: the difficulty spike after the 3rd chapter and the lacklustre final boss.

This game creates one of the best and most charming yet chilling atmosphere in gaming. One of the best platformers ever.

Super nostalgic for me I remember going into surgery when i was younger maybe 8 or 9 and watching my mum play this game on her ipad at my bedside. Since then I've played through the whole game myself and the style and themes dont carry the game on it's own the puzzle design is amazing and unique, providing a great challenge but nothing too obnoxious.

Its okay. I havent been a die hard pokemon fan since the 3ds and so since sun and moon the only pokemon game I have bought around the time of launch is this one and I wasnt that disappointed. Overall I had a lot of fun really feeling like a pokemon trainer with the integration of the gameplay elements in Legends Arceus but this game is just really sad to play sometimes. The visuals are horrendous, there's no voice acting of any kind and the story is super boring and doesnt really develop any of the characters all that well. This game feels mostly like a beta build of what this game should be and thats far from an unpopular opinion. No matter how much fun I might have been having there was always a bad taste in my mouth with this game.

The original Gen 1 games are unfortunately, aside from the nostalgia factor simply just not that good. Everything about these Gen 1 games is charming and warm but the gameplay itself and story and everything is quite boring and I found myself just not feeling compelled enough to continue playing past maybe the 5th or 6th gym. Overall just not that good in retrospect.

Sekiro is easily my second favourite Fromsoftware game just behind dark souls and its not even close. Sekiro has one of the most engaging and satisfying combat systems paired with some of the best balancing and enemy AI of any soulslike game. All of this plus amazing visuals, level design, story and boss design makes for one of the most fun and personable playthroughs I think ever. I initially played the game in september of 2021 and was honestly just satisfied. I wasn't overly impressed or anything aside from a few highlights in the game and my general impression of it was that its a great game and thats it. I still did all the achievements and did 2 full playthroughs but in comparison to the souls games I didnt really see much reason to play it. That changed around April/May 2023 this year when I decided to replay it after watching Princess Mononoke with my friends while incredibly high and my perspective on the game completely turned. I had some of the most fun playthroughs of any game I have ever heard and I honestly dont have much else to say about it please for the love of god play this game and if you tried it and was underwhelmed try it again because it was worth it for me

I would like preface that it is a thursday night and I ate a gummy or two and I have stopped playing my current playthrough of oblivion and I am really sad bevcause like with every other bethesda game it lags a lot and has been stuttering and crashing for the past 2 weeks or so and I need to finally let it go. I first played oblivion in 2018 after moving away from the city and back to the countryside away from my friends, my school and everything I had finally gotten used to after moving to the city when i was younger. I remember 2 things that really helped me through that time and the time leading up to it. Number 1 was dragonball. This was my first time reading through the entire series and I loved it so much. I bought the 3 in 1 omnibus editions and I loved how they felt when reading. The pages were thin and they stayed in place when put down open on its spine and the books themselves of course were amazing. I remember buying the next 3 omnibus editions everytime I finished reading the previous 3 and it would take about 2 weeks for them to arrive. I was always so excited when they came and it was all I thought about. Looking back I finished all 42 books in the span of about 4 months or something around that margin but it feels like it went by so quickly. I remember one night sitting on the recliner my mum usually sits in curled up in a ball reading the newest one that had just come in which was volume 7 (actually volumes 19, 20 and 21 if i remember correctly) and reading half of the entire thing because i just loved it so much. It was a night i'll never forget and I dont know exactly why but I do know that it just felt different. There was something pictureesque in the air that night and everyhing alined. Remembering it feels like waking up from a good dream. It's so melancholic and it feels so seperate to anything else. The world felt like its own thing, like the world was just different for that one night. I've rambled on a lot about dragonball but my point is that it really helped me during the moving process and the second thing that helped was oblivion. Playing vanilla unmodded oblivion on my hp desktop computer I got on ebay for €150 after my confirmation on the loneliest country nights. It was strange though because while I loved the game and the quests and everything about it I only played around 30-40 hours. After I finished the main quest I didnt do anything else. I had done some of the guilds but for some reason I just didnt really feel like doing any of the others. The fighters guild, the mages guild, shivering isles etc. If I had this much stuff to do in skyrim I would have done it and I would loved it but oblivion just didnt do that for me. I loved I really did but it just didnt stick or really impact me. Every other bethesda game ive played has with morrowind, skyrim and new vegas mainly but oblivion never sparked that pure childlike wonder and desire in me. I think objectively oblivion has the best balance of good quests and has some of the best quests in all bethesda games and I always praise it and always commend it for being in my opinion a near perfect rpg experience but thats what makes it so dull in comparison to their other games. Oblivion is too good in the way that it molded rpg games too well. Everything in it is lukewarm because theres just not enough grit to it. I cant exactly describe what I mean but compared to the other games it has the absolute most artifical character. Morrowind feels very human in a cool way and skyrim feels very human in a not as cool way but oblivion just feels pre-made, pristine, too shiny. yeah its super funny at times with the weird npcs and stuff but it still just feels much less inviting to me than the quirks of other bethesda games. I recognize that this has mainly been me saying that oblivion is worse than other bethesda games but it is still one of my favourite games of all time

The first time I played Morrowind was in 2018. I had finished Skyrim for the second time at that point and Oblivion once. I was a massive fan of the series and naturally wanted to move on to Morrowind. I hated it, I played for maybe an hour or so before just giving up. Everything about the game was clunky and unnerving. I felt claustrophobic trying to make my way to balmora without realising that I could take the silt strider but I also felt bare and weird, the same feeling you could get when going out of bounds in a game I just felt out of place. It was my first venture into a truly old and aged game such as this. about a year or so later just before the summer of 2019 I decided to try it again. I gave it the benefit of the doubt and really tried my best to just enjoy it and let it run its course. I got a few quality of life mods and watched the same beginner tips videos I always watch before stumbling into an RPG game and started. Of coure you saw the 5 stars that I'm giving it and can guess that I fell in love with this game. I remember the beginning of summer after finishing my first year in a new school around new people in a new house, waking up home alone with the bright sun pouring through my lazily draped curtains while I connected my phone to a bluetooth speaker and loaded up my save on Morrowind. Everything about the songs I would listen to and the quests I completed during that time which in retrospect was probably only over the course of a few weeks was pure magic. the summer of 2019 would go on to be a time that changed my life forever both for the good and very very bad. I got sucked in to a very bad online community and was starting to question my gender and was overall going through the teenage mental health struggle. I think the reason that short time of when I first properly played the game is so special in my head is because looking back it was the calm before the storm. It was me, an innocent care free young teenager playing her new favourite video game and talking to herself while wandering around the island of vvardenfell as if she were really there. Since that first playthrough I have had 2 other big playthroughs and have about 400 hours accumulated. I only play the game once every year and a half or so and I am due a replay soon enough. Those other 2 playthroughs also hold special places in my heart but I just wanted to talk about the first because it is the one that I believe captures the essence of Morrowind best. I was a young teenager who was suddenly cast into the deep end of life and I feel like Morrowind kind of does that to you aswell but in a more positive light. If you ignore the negative emotions surrounding all of that questioning and confusion growing up it is a journey that keeps you on your feet and never stops to amaze you. Everytime I play morrowind that sense of remarkable intrugue never leaves its side and I don't think it ever will.

The DS era of Kirby games were the only ones I played growing up but they left a massive impact on me and I've always felt a lot of nostalgia for the little pink guy even if I had never decided to play any new releases following the DS games. Because of my age when I played them I often mixed up Squak Squad (Mouse Attack is the European name and the one I actually played) and Super Star Ultra. After replaying this game a few days ago I have figured out that the majority of my nostalgia actually came from Super Star Ultra. Don't get me wrong Squeak Squad is still great and I remember loving the animal ability as a kid an finding the final boss super cool and a bunch of other things, mainly all the cool collectibles and sprays for Kirby, but as a teenager who has a more defined taste in video games I would consider Squeak Squad a pretty good game. It's everything you want in a Kirby game. The problem mainly for me is that it feels like it was made mostly to tick a box for Nintendo. It's a cookie cutter Kirby game and doesn't really experiment or do anything super special but I still enjoyed it and reccomend it.

My first time playing Dark Souls is a gaming experience I wish i could relive over and over again. I first decided to pick up this game after watching moist critikals youtube video playing it. I was already a big dark fantasy fan from my years of playing games in the Elder Scrolls series so after staying up all night and reaching the morning I bought the game on sale and downloaded it. I only got to firelink before my body finally started begging me for sleep but as soon as I woke up the next evening and got on to continue from where I left off I started roughly a 3 week long tirade of playing the game on and on and on. It was summertime and I had (still mostly have) bad agoraphobia so what else was I gonna do with my time out in the mild bright Irish country side but play video games all day. It seems crazy to me that after looking through my steam achievements to get a sense of when I first played and finished the game It was only 18 days until I got the final achievement. Those 18 days in my head today felt like an eternity, an eternity of wonder and amazement. From beating the taurus demon in my cold cottage alone sometime in the night or morning and letting out the most unconditional roar of victory as if I had done it before, to beating Gwyn for the first time and feeling the stinging cold of a singular tear roll down my face. I love this game and I wish I could go more in depth about everything I love about it but I don't think any kind of summary or retrospective could do it justice. Play the goddamn game if you haven't.