a hilarious critique of choice in video games

This game is the best game I've played to date. First off, the visuals and music are so polished and beautiful. I just want every screen of this game as my background (the backgrounds are incredibly detailed and help make the game feel very polished) and I could listen to this music for hours. I mean, each level has it's own death transition! That should give you a taste of how much love the developers put into this game. The dialogue is incredibly charming and tells a story about complicated feelings so elegantly and with so much honesty (I mean, you can feel it through the dialogue). The gameplay is incredibly fluid and its difficulty curve is perfect (However, I am a platformer afficiando, so take that with a grain of salt). I mean, seriously. Just jumping around and dashing in an empty space feels amazing, and there are so many collectibles to find using these amazing controls! You can choose to play on assist mode, or complete the game 100% and have an outstanding time no matter what. This game simply gets everything right: from skippable cutscenes to counters that help see what you missed in a level. The B-sides are just as fun as the main story and there's secrets hiding in every corner. No secret makes you want to use a walkthrough; they are well-hidden, but also well telegraphed. There are so many cool, inventive mechanics to come across while traversing through in this game... and the level design... Oh, the level design! It's absolutely perfect. This game is incredible and a great start if you want to start playing hardcore platformers. 10/10

I speedrun this game and it's incredible. Extremely interesting level designs and characters that bring the most out of PAC-MAN's basic mechanics.

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Fantastic and mind-melting puzzles, the best first-person puzzle game of all time. Not to mention the incredible art direction that incorporates the environment into the puzzles.

fun mechanic used to its fullest potential

a bit more concise than its sequel, hotline miami provides a tight and exhilarating fever dream

If you like jazz and difficult games, you'll love this game to death. Style oozes out of every corner in this game. Also has the best ending in the medium.

one of the best rouguelikes, but the base mechanics sometimes aren't interesting enough to make a weak run fun

fun but i feel like 100%ing this game is literally impossible if you have unoptimized brain like me lol

solid puzzle game, brain hurts

The most brilliant puzzles ever. You're constantly learning more about the mechanics and using that knowledge to solve more complex puzzles.