a nice n breezy puzzle game (i need more of these)

solid puzzle game, brain hurts

the most emotional i've gotten playing a video game

a hilarious critique of choice in video games

If you like jazz and difficult games, you'll love this game to death. Style oozes out of every corner in this game. Also has the best ending in the medium.

top tier visual novel, masterpiece

great but then you get to hard mode

a bit more concise than its sequel, hotline miami provides a tight and exhilarating fever dream

one of the greats when it comes to precision platformers. Tight controls, a variety of interesting obstacles that push your skills to the limit, tons of post-game content with level design just as beautiful and polished as the main game. Not to mention the really well done post-apocalyptic aesthetic with ridiculon slapping as always.

fun but i feel like 100%ing this game is literally impossible if you have unoptimized brain like me lol