Clearing My Backlog

I've decided to finally TRY to clear my backlog which is filled with a bunch of unplayed/unfinished games, and I have quite a lot to get through (130-something) so yeah, this is going to take a very long time. Since I don't feel like picking favourites, I'll be using Picker Wheel to randomly select a game for me and will hopefully commit to it. The order of the games is the order in which I played them (not ranking them) but you can sort by my rating if you would like to do so. I'll also be writing reviews for all of the games I finish so if you want to read those, they'll be linked in the notes section.

Date Started — May 9th 2023

Date Finished —

Here's a list of all the games that I'm picking from (not including DLC's/expansions/sequels)