started off really promising, i like all the changes to the combat, and thought the focus on just the gang hanging out would be fun. but it drags really badly, the mini games and side quests get incredibly tedious, the combat encounters just.. aren't as fun as those in Remake, and just about all of the additions to the plot feel cowardly and disappointing after what Remake set up.

idk this kinda sucked

very close to being the best kart racer ever made but then there's a hundred baffling design decisions that keep it from being that, will probably pick it up again once they patched it a bunch

update: okay patch 2.2 fixed a lot of my problems with this game so it's pretty great now

pretty good except for when it throws a lot of enemies at you

This game's got a gigantic bag of neat ideas, and each time it shows you one of those many neat ideas, it throws it away before it can do anything of substance with it. Except for the Elephant power-up for some reason.

Totally decent classic Sonic game, though with bad bosses, a frustrating post-game, and an awfully high price. Don't pay more than like 20 bucks for this.

With this Insomniac's Spider-Man has become one of my favorite takes on the series, it irons out 90% of the stuff that i disliked about the first game and leaves a really good take on Peter and Miles.

Really cute and charming RPG! this is the good GBA shit!! except for most of the dungeon design and making it impossible to save before the final boss, that all sucked.

A great remake, turns a pretty neat game gear spinoff into what feels like a lost Sonic game for the Mega Drive

An extremely unfinished mess but a very interesting one, it's unexpectedly super hard and bafflingly designed but Sonic Team is also clearly experimenting both with how to design characters outside of Sonic and how Sonic can move in a 3D space, as the new level design seemingly intentionally allows for you to do fun bullshit with momentum physics.

Also the final boss is the most anime bullshit Sonic Team has ever been and I'm really hopeful they keep it up cause it's incredible.

First time i've ever actually played it, turns out it really is an incredible game. Though I wouldn't recommend people play the Steam version since it still has some very noticeable issues. That being said, still loved playing it!

a pretty bad final fantasy game built on some pretty solid bones for a character action game, when it wants to be a proper mix of DMC/Asura's Wrath it's usually pretty decent but most of the time i'm sitting through an atrocious and extremely questionable story with the most boring world and characters in any final fantasy game that i've played.

glad someone at sega realized how well sonic characters could work in a (non-joke) visual novel and that they should let some cool people make one. really cute and just two hours long, and just fully relies on fun character writing rather than being obnoxiously referential which it easily could have been.

I was really liking this for its first half or so, the level design was fun enough to get through the bad writing. then it runs out of ideas and becomes kinda boring while having to sit through a story that gets worse as it goes on and reads as if it's written by someone who just figured out that colonialism's bad. I would have liked this a lot more if it was like four hours long but instead it's closer to ten.

A huge improvement over Spark 2, I still have my issues with the level design (mainly the last couple of stages are way too long), but it's still a whole lot better than in the previous games. Spark feels like he controls exactly right in this, nailing how I remember Sonic feeling in Sonic Adventure 2 while making meaningful improvements.

It has its issues but this is pretty much the ideal 3D Sonic game. Like, actually, not just in a "Mirror's Edge is a Sonic game if you think about it" way.

Also it has one of the most baffling endings I've seen in a video game. What the fuck.

Only two hours long and yet feels like it outstays its welcome after its first ten minutes. Being able to parry anything is funny but it does not have any ideas for its combat beyond it, and most of the time it feels like it doesn't know what to do with its level design aside from "part where you run forward a bunch, part where some optional enemies appear, part where you run forward a bunch, etc."