somehow hadn't played this before it's very good gay shit

honestly wish it was better as an actual rhythm game, it can be fun as one except when there's a bunch of impossible to hit small notes. still i had a fun time with it.


Story is fucking awful, level design is boring, but still surprisingly fun to play.

just a fun short lil mario game its very good

Great vibes except for when the Firefly cast is talking

perfect game. aside from maridia. maridia's bad. aside from that perfect video game

Incredibly charming Zelda-like game with a great aesthetic. I have some qualms with it, the lack of a map could get annoying at times but didn't bother me too much, but overall I loved it.

A pretty fun detour, with some nice teases of things to come. Yuffie is really fun to play as, and I liked the Fort Condor matches though in part because it was nice to come across some of the characters again.

A pretty solid one of these, though with some setbacks. The new parry move is neat at first but a lot of the combat being designed around it quickly makes it pretty repetitive. Exploring and finding secrets is still fun, though the game's main path is a bit too linear. Still enjoyed playing it though, and I'm curious to see how this game is iterated on with Metroid Dread.

A very charming and inventive adventure game. I'm surprised more games haven't taken inspiration from the dialogue system here. You have a dictionary of "Hamchat" words which you fill in as you discover them while talking to other hamsters. And after you find these words they can then possibly pop up as dialogue options. And if there's a hamchat word you haven't found yet but could potentially be used as a response to a specific hamster, it will let you know by placing question marks in place of the dialogue options where those hamchat words would be. It's just a very smartly designed and easy to understand take on adventure games and I wish there was more like it.

Also Hamtaro has an unique and very cute animation for each separate hamchat word it's great.

After going back to the PS3 games was somewhat disappointing, was really pleased with this. Works well both as a finale to the PS3 games and as a stand-alone game. The bad 2000s video game humor of the previous games is gone and instead the writing feels more like what you'd see in a really good CG animated movie. It's also the first PS5 game to really feel like it showcases what the new hardware can do. It's an incredible looking game with some amazing setpieces.

It's just a very good one of these. I'd be alright with it if this is the final Ratchet game, though not gonna lie I'd love to see another one now that it feels like they've really nailed the tone the writing of these games needed to have.

This would probably be one of my favorite Ratchet & Clank games if it weren't for the framerate being shit