i played a bunch of this waiting for it to Click but it never really did with me, on account of im bad at platformers

played this til i thought i was hot shit, went to a single arcade and discovered i wasnt. there was a time when i thought i liked fighting games but i have realised over the years that i really just like street fighter, and thats fine.

didnt go quite as hard on this one as i did SF4 but that just means i only played like 200hrs instead of 500.

real gamers scroll thru their indie games folder and find weird old test games and are like "yeah i'll log that, i remember that being cool." it was cool. if you dont fuck w prototypes then i dont fuck w you!

just sort of perfect, you know? i remember playing it at trade events for years before it eventually came out and that gave it this real storied feel that i haven't had from a game in a while, that feeling of a friend you trust grabbing you and saying "yo you GOTTA play this". that's something you cant recapture really but it's very precious to me, and so, too, is this game.

sorry folks this one is boring as shit

funny and angry and confused and with something to say while thinking itself in knots. but still funny! and thats important

this game is great, its formally great, the writing is good, its got a cool Mystery, and figuring out how to play it is Great

wanted to like this more than i did, but it had enough fun moments and characterful Bits to get me through it. it feels a little bit like a prototype that needed tightening up and the addition of a more aggressive Vision; for a nightmare world of endless colonial capitalism, it's got shockingly few sharp edges, and it leans too cartoonish and slapstick to really land any gutpunch story beats.

that said, i actually quite liked the combat, which is sort of a miracle in an obsidian game. fair play to them! it's fun to use a sniper rifle!


this is definitely some type of mind control device. i keep playing it in a trancelike state, getting excited about the numbers and the pretty colours and the screenshake. i am being programmed to do something beyond my reckoning and i'm enjoying it very much.

edit okay i've played this a bunch more since i wrote this review and i hate to abandon the joke but this game really kicks ass. it reminds me of a vlambeer prototype: all the numbers just feel excellent, and you want to keep playing for just a little longer, yknow?

the best video game about an apocalypse?

my ghost wife left me because i got too nude & mad, these maidens aint loyal smdh