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2 days ago

tsuki2704 finished Kirby and the Forgotten Land
When I was younger I used to love Kirby games, after growing up they started to bore me cause it was "too easy" and inside my ignorant head if a game can't challenge me, it's not fun.

This game reminded me of why Kirby is so good as a game even if it's doesn't necessarily challenge you, it's just filled with creativeness and love. Just exploring the levels is always fun cause it's so filled with little secrets, details and also what every new entry on the Kirby series brings to the table, new creative stuff.

On this game there is a ton of new stuff KIRBY IS NOW A 3D PLATFORMER THAT'S ALREADY SHOCKING but not only that, the mouthful mode is such a weird idea that could be gone so wrong but it's executed so well that it's just makes you smile every time you use it, the segments are so carefully designed to showcase the capabilities of each ability (including the copy abilities we are accustomed) that in a matter of a minute they introduce, evolve and subvert a ability, it's just a masterful design.

The game encourages you to explore every inch of the level to get every item, the exploration is so rewarding since just walking through the level is fun but not only that, they give you upgrades to your abilities and also to your own little hub where you can relax with mini-games and side stuff, upgrading your copy abilities just make every ability matters more, in older games I kinda always had the favorites ones but in this game you just want to use every ability since they are always evolving in the craziest ways, goddammit they even made the Sleep ability appealing and useful.

In other aspects the game also shines, the environments looks so good and contrasts so well with Kirby. The thematic is a post apocalyptic world but every level feels so alive, this game is kinda how a kid imagine a empty world "I would hangout at the mall, eat every food I want and enjoy the amusement park all by myself" and your mind when you are playing looks exactly like that, you just immerse yourself in the scenarios and chill even in the most chaotic ones, there are little details that helps bringing life to each scene. You see a sun umbrella and a ice enemy is below it protecting themselves from the sun, you walk through a snow storm and enter a cave to find dog like creatures sleeping close to each other keeping their bodies warm, this game is filled with that attention.

For the last the music and the story, the music is just phenomenal if this game was only the soundtrack it would already be a masterpiece (but you have a entire game by bonus!) and the story holy shit, it's just a simple story that tells itself by the environments, props and enemies with barely any dialogue but man... the ending changes everything, when you reach the ending you are like "well this game was fun, i think it couldn't get any better" and them it hits you with a fucking boulder (not literally), absolute cinema.

Conclusion, it's a masterpiece and you should play it if you don't play it I'm killing you.

5 days ago

tsuki2704 backloggd Cocoon

11 days ago

11 days ago

tsuki2704 finished Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut
Disappointing and overrated resumes this game.

The core of GoT is a copy of Assassin's Creed, it have a lot of content but this fact doesn't matter since the map is filled with copy paste boring quests and collectibles that always plays the exact same way.

It's also filled with a lot of non-skippable boring dialog, there is good moments in the story but they are buried under a lot of robotic dialogues, directionless cutscenes and specially lazy animations.

The combat can feel good sometimes but it's also kinda glued, the characters ice skate on the ground to be able to hit each other frequently and a lot of times bugs can disturb the moment (the camera working like shit and SFX not working being the best examples).

The exploration is hollow, just like AC you open your map polluted by icons go to X place and do the same side quests over and over again. The physics also don't help since sometimes you jump into something and the gravity start to be weird.

Like a lot of games, it's enormous but have the depth of plate, I finished within 48 hours and still had a lot of boring side shit to do.
Ghost of Tsushima would be a lot better if it was just focused on the good parts and a 20 hour enjoyable experience, but it's ruined by this artificial method of raising the game length.

12 days ago

14 days ago

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