played this at the start of the 2020 and it might just be my most favorite open world mario game. nice to control, worlds feel unique, and i love the vibe it has. excellent game

i love playing this game. the aesthetics, the movement, animation, a lot of things actually. I do have problems with some designs like filia who looks like THAT and is underaged for some reason. while i love this game, i cannot look at it the same way ever again from what has happened. also fuck you mike z.

got into this game after not having touched pokemon in a while and it is my favorite 3d pokemon game. the aesthetic and world it goes feels so nice and relaxing, the characters are neat, and guzma is my best team leader. lot of this game is convenient and cool.

if i was there at gamefreak i simply would have dealt with this cashgrab

one of the best ds puzzle games ive played. this game is absolutely worth your time for the story. It has style and charm oozing from every character with a great artstyle. I love going back to this from time to time again and experiencing the absolute nostalgia i felt when i first played it. It doesn't even need a sequel because the ending was THAT good

this wouldnt have happened if todd coward didnt make the mc an absolute pussy

first metroidvania i played as both a beginner and a recent touhou fan, my opinions on this are: this game is SO GOOD. not only you play as sakuya, one of the most badass characters in touhou, but you use manipulate time as well and there's so much you can do with it; this game has one of the best mechanics of all time i've played with. The sprite work and animations are great as well--I love how everything moves! I wished the game was a bit longer and they adjusted some stuff about the game, like how you get the sprint ability right near the end, but the rest feels fine. Nice that touhou fangame community are still making some quality gems. I love you ladybug for making this.

I always though gen 4 was good but gen 5 proved me wrong. It's less jank, started the trend of rivals having actual character in writing, and they went off with the sprite work. only thing i don't like about is that it introduced power creep. this post was made by bianca gang.

favorite and best pokemon game of all time. music made me contemplate my life up to this point of me reviewing this game based off my nostalgia and made me cry as it should be. 5 stars

cutest kirby game on pure aesthetic form and fun to play but whoever made the method to get to the true final boss like that how does it feel to be a sadist

my favorite visual novel series ever solely because of the characters, mystery, and puzzles. plus it's funny too so that's a bonus. the edgeworth and phoenix dynamic is my favorite out of any video game duo because of the development it goes from friends to fated rivals to rivals but friends at heart. oh and they're gay too i guess.

this game truly fucks. I love playing this jrpg, and I may have had a rocky understanding of this game but the more i knew i got the hang of it i had fun. cloud is the best ff protagonist next to cecil, and tifa almost felt like a bland character until the second half of the game happened. i love everything about it so much

Cecil was the og best final fantasy protag. Truly a king of the ages. Anyways, as tradition of ff jrpgs it's fun to play. Though it had party members dropping from left and rigth and rejoining, ultimately in the end I liked that it constantly changed. I love the characters in this too.

Besides the filler cases, the actual story was fucking amazing. Godot, Mia, Maya, Phoenix, and everyone major becomes apart of this and it's glorious. A great end to the trilogy.

The game actually gets good when you get past this expansion. It aged so poorly my god