17 reviews liked by uchicch1

best fire emblem 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

This was my favorite game as a kid, but I would always get stuck and never able to finish it. Sad.

mmmmmmmmmm... GOOOOOOOOD game. Me thinks this is GOOOOOOOOOOOD game. GREAT even. Yeah, it's great.

Somehow way better than the first, addictive in a way few games ever have been before.

Kazuma Kiryu is my bestie. I fw Goro Majima a bit as well, but me and Kiryu? Besties.

This game is addictively hard. Like my cock while playing this game.

Overrated but still really great.

EASILY the best story of the 4. It doesn't quite top the third, but it comes damn close.

Objectively way messier than the first, and I feel the pacing is GOD awful in the Seattle section, but I still think this game is truly special.