i really hope they keep address unknown exactly the same, it should still be a bunch of two minute long low res slideshows of sam lake running around and getting chased by evil doctors who want to feed him pills while the rest of the game looks like alan wake 2

all i wanna do is WHACK ‘IM gunshot sound AAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHH

kinda blown away by this, was gonna write something longer here but The Writer has so thoroughly altered my perception of the preceding 7 episodes that i feel like i gotta go back and reassess the whole thing

someone at remedy thought that the scariest thing in the world was having inanimate objects of various shapes and sizes thrown at you and yknow what more power to 'em

self-loathing as a broken funhouse mirror, distorting and reflecting back everything you hate about yourself; you see it everywhere; on billboards, on tv, in everyone else. It all seems to reaffirm the ugliness you see in yourself; you can run from it but it'll always be there, right behind you. The only way to escape is to confront the man in the mirror, to look at the twisted parody you've become and choose to do something about it; as max says "It could destroy you, drive you mad. It could set you free"

a masterpiece

-direct sequel that's notably different in tone and style from its predecessor
-two different campaigns that are both required to fully understand the story
-one of the playable characters is a female government agent
-there's a dark doppelganger of the main protagonist
-important story moments are punctuated with butt rock anthems by the developer's in-house band

this is just finnish sonic adventure 2

finally, the stanley parable for girls

torrenting a file with one seeder feels exactly like this

one of the best platformers ever made stuck inside one of the worst spectacle fighters ever made

this is the resident evil 6 of the 90s

it's so fucked up that a low rent kart racer that 3 people played was the first sonic game in a decade to get a new crush 40 song

i’m going to kick arin hanson down a flight of stairs

i like the part where you hit an enemy but it does no damage and then you get stunlocked and die in 2 hits, cool game

what if devil may cry 4 was good

what if devil may cry 3 was bad