It's like Halo, but free to play and kinda generic. The Portal system tho, is amazing, you can do millions of strategys using portals, and the game teaches you pretty well at the tutorial. I recommend, its free to play, but I wouldn't spend any money on this, because it's too generic, all the characters are too random, nothing memorable. The game modes are really fun, so yeah, I think you should play if you like halo and want something new, but you shouldn't spend money on this.

Amazing. And it gets even better in the DLC (Basically a new game). Extremely recommended.

Miyazaki doesn't know how to make pvp.

It's a funny game that you can play with your friends, almost everyone has a cellphone so its pretty accessible.

bom ao extremo ou extremamente bom?

chato, repetitivo, mapa vazio, narrativa horrível.

Resumo: Estava de graça na epic games, mesmo assim achei caro demais.

pretty fun at the beggining, tho it gets kinda boring late game

Eu nem sabia que era possível existir jogos tão ruins

fun, but progression sucks and ping is infinite just like the name says

15 hour game but extended to 90 hour

shitman 1 dlc, bem maçante, a maior parte do jogo tu fica esperando ao invés de jogar e o preço é infinito, mas é melhor que o primeiro e conserta vários dos problemas

This review was written before the game released

Hitman 3 pega o que tem de melhor no shitman 1 e 2, e assim faz um bom game. Não posso dar nota maior por causa do sistema ridículo de elusive targets e o sistema ainda mais ridículo de conexão na internet, mas fora isso é um jogo foda e um stealth muito bom. É o hitman com melhor história sem dúvidas