Cyberpunk 2077 exceeded my expectations and was a really enjoyable experience. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the game had a lot of heart and really drew me in with its rich storytelling and immersive world. The switch to first-person gameplay didn't bother me after a short adjustment period and I was able to fully immerse myself in the game.

I am blown away. It really took me on an emotional journey and really kept me engaged throughout. The perfect blend of intense action and deep character development really made this game stand out. While there may have been a few rough patches in the story, overall it was a completely satisfying experience.

Horizon: Forbidden West is an improvement on the already impressive formula established in Zero Dawn. The character acting in this game is some of the best I have ever seen in a video game. The side quests are also much improved and more engaging. While I did enjoy the combat, I found myself wanting more missions that involved interacting with the machines rather than just fighting against them. Overall, Horizon: Forbidden West is a fantastic game that builds upon its predecessor and delivers a truly immersive and engaging experience.

Decent game, but a bit of a let-down after the amazing experience of Mass Effect 2. Despite this, I still enjoyed it more than Mass Effect 1 due to its increased variability, improved gameplay mechanics, and my already established love for the world and characters. I was disappointed to see that half of the story was locked behind DLCs, which felt like an atrocity and detracted from the overall experience. The power wheel was still quite slow and there were a number of fetch quests that felt quite mundane. All in all, Mass Effect 3 was a step down from the incredible experience of Mass Effect 2, but it was still an enjoyable game.

The highlight of the series. A wild ride from second one. Interesting character dynamics, a change of pace and more variability. Every mission feels handcrafted, every character has purpose. Will be telling my kids about Mordin singing. Could have done without planet scanning though and instead with more to do on the Citadel.
The gameplay feels clunky though. The use of the power wheel takes so much speed out of the fights. Barely ever used it. But luckily I didn't need it to get ahead and enjoy the story.

Shorter than I expected and even as a remaster it feels dated for me. Probably wouldn't have played it without the prospect of ME2 and ME3. But I fell in love with this world instantly and spend a lot of time getting to know the alien races and my crew. But even then it felt like a prologue for the next games. So maybe it's a good thing it's so short.

I abandoned Origins very fast but loved Odyssey. I can't really put a finger on what made me love this game more, but it just clicked. I guess a lot was thanks to Kassandra, even more her brilliant voice acting.
Furthermore, I just liked the world, I had a big Ancient Greece phase in school. Sadly, the different story lines felt a bit incoherent and specially the ending of the Order-Questline was a big disappointment for me. Also, the quest design was very repetitive and played into the very grindy levelling. So, it's not perfect, but a game I will cherish in the future. I definitely will go back and play the DLCs in the future.

Loved to hate it.
Played it immediately after AC: Odyssey which might have been a mistake. The difference in quality is obvious, AC: Valhalla feels very rough and with little attention to detail. The focus was on a BIG world with a LOT to do.; the story and overall world coherence fell behind.
That is not to say I did not enjoy it at all, and I nearly played it as long as AC: Odyssey, but I did not fall in love with it. Eivor as protagonist fell also flat. I have the feeling having the option to switch between a female and male version is a fake out. Yes, you can play as a woman which is still revolutionary by Ubisoft standards, but it makes them interchangeable and without real character. It nearly boils down to a Mrs. Pac-Man version. With Kassandra, it felt more in tune with the world and also the voice acting was way better. I wish Ubisoft would take the time to develop an authentic female protagonist and don't just carbon copy their male protagonists.

The most tedious way to watch a movie. This is for people who want to see the first 5-hour rough cut of any movie. Escalates any situation way too quickly to simulate emotional tension. The flowchart gives me anxiety.

God behaving badly and I love it. The father son dynamic works well and the character development motivates to even play the side quests. Balancing is a bit off, normal is (for me at least) way to difficult and easy is way too easy. But the story kept me going. Looking forward to Ragnarök.

Not my cup of tea. Shooting mechanics feel too finicky. I am bored with the zombie apocalypse. Not necessarily the games fault, just not for me

At its best moments a MCU film that entertained me really well, but at its worst very repetitive and uncreative. In the end I just finished the main story and skipped the side quests. Looking forward to Miles Morales though.