I finished it in a weekend, but it left a lasting impression on me

It feels like a downgraded Yakuza 0, with less interesting substories, no playable Majima, no disco minigame, etc.
The story itself is good though, and I can't complain about the combat since it's the same from 0, but the Majima everywhere system, while brilliant, goes on for waay too long. After seeking out Majima in the streets at every chance I got, I still was at rank A by the finale, and had beaten all the interesting encounters, so the only thing left to do was keep reentering buildings to try and force the "right" Majima to spawn so I could progress.

One of my favorites so far, they improved a lot of stuff from 3. I loved playing as the new characters except for Saejima who made my wanna kill myself.

I didn't really care for the side activities in this one, they didn't feel well developed, and the combat is pretty bad with how much everyone blocks. But the main story is good and I enjoyed playing it.

Singlehandedly got me into mechs

My only complaint would be that the game disencourages you from engaging with it's combat mechanics, which is a shame since they are so well realized and fun.

sabe ser ruim quando quer

podia ter conteúdo pos game