7 reviews liked by wackywohopizaman

Este juego, tiene una historia que es una maravilla. Pero, en lo que más falla, en mi humilde opinión es en el apartado mecánicas de juegos. Se nota que en el juego hay toques de rpg antiguo. Como el tener un inmenso mapa y no saber donde ir..
Lo críptico que es, que nos hara perdernos durante un largo rato en el juego, lo tocapelotas que se hace a la hora de farmear, ya que un enemigo nos podrá hacer hasta instakill, y muchas cosas que me dejo en el tintero.
Pero... Si quereis empezar en el mundo de los rpgs.
Este no es vuestro juego.

This is Nintendo's strongest title since the double whammy of BOTW and Mario Odyssey in 2017

Play it. Now

Antithetical to Super Metroid's hands-off approach, but not entirely for the worse. It works for what Fusion was going for. I'll admit that being told where to go didn't leave me with a good first impression but those feelings quickly subsided as I got further into the game. Fusion's level design is every bit as clever as its predecessor's, and the tense atmosphere is still here. It even beats out Super in the boss department.
I don't think its as good as Super, but it's still pretty solid. :)

I want to fuck Lia Leazas while My Glorious Days is playing the background till I pass out

honestly this game is so underrated and deserves a sequel so badly

Oui Oui Me Likey. Komaru best DR protag no argument here. One of my fav games of all time absolutely I love this so so much. Making a DR 3PS was a risky decision but omg it payed off in the end. 8/10 only for the stupid rape minigame and constant child sexual abuse jokes but still a good game if you move all that to one side.