11 reviews liked by wdtruine04

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howard made me cry

The guns can be pretty satisfying and the game has many great little ideas in it, but it fell short for me overall.

The core gameplay is lacking a bit of depth. You shoot things from behind cover, weapons and lights you can activate deal stun damage... and that's kind of it.
It's fine to have few mechanics, but none of these were enough to carry the game for me.

Aiming feels bad no matter the control scheme because the reticle is offset from the actual barrel and it's next to your character, which forces you to look away from the enemies, meaning you can't appreciate the impact your attacks have.

Weapon types are distinguished in pretty cool ways (the trigger acts differently for each type), but the aiming makes them less fun and the different guns you find in runs just aren't exciting - they don't provide huge twists or big bumps in power.

The cover mechanics are functional and pretty smooth (though I'd prefer no hard sticking to cover and a dynamic ducking system instead), but there's not much to them either - you don't need to time the moments when you pop out to shoot, and other than flanking particularly passive enemies, there's no reason to leave.
One good thing is that the cover breaks over time (and respawns after a period of time), which introduces some dynamism into fights without making longer shootouts annoying.

The stun mechanic is also very basic. Attacks typically have stun damage, and lighting lamps that hang around in some arenas can stun all enemies around them. Stuns are useful, but they don't make you play differently - weapons aren't divided into strong damage vs strong stun archetypes, most enemies will die before they get stunned by your attacks, and stuns don't allow you to deal that much more damage compared to just shooting an active enemy.

So that leaves the pressure of making the game interesting to the enemy and level design.
Level design is obviously not going to work because this is a roguelite. Rooms are basic, very repetitive, and arena layouts never introduce anything that would affect the gameplay much.
More over, there's plenty of backtracking, and it's slow. Your dash isn't faster than just running, there are plenty of rooms where you have to use a teleporter with a drawn out animation just to get to the other side of a gap/drop and pick up an item, and even with teleports being placed around the map, you'll still end up running through empty rooms and watching slow teleport animations a lot.

Enemy design is alright though. It's nothing crazy, but they all have a different way of forcing you out of cover and different ways they're best tackled, so I'd say the roster of opponents is a positive overall. The only problem I can think of is that Outlaw fights (reoccuring minibosses) end up taking way longer than they should because of how few openings you get to attack.

Overall, it's a perfectly middle of the road game.
If you happen to really gel with something about it, I can see how you could enjoy it, because it doesn't have any massive flaws.
If you end up disliking anything about it, there's probably nothing here to keep you coming back.
However, most people would likely think "it's alright, but a little underwhelming".

Backloggd reviewers somehow have better material than this

Why are people calling this game soulless? I got like thousands of souls during my playthrough

Customization was wonderful and vast. Had a lot of fun customizing my lightsaber which for the first half of the game was a pristine pearl white art piece with gold and wood accents and in the second half was a beaten rough piece of wood. The gameplay is almost identical to the first game so of course it’s great. My biggest complaint is the lack of utility with the other stances. I pretty much went the whole game only using single blades lightsaber even though I was very excited for blaster and saber or cross guard.

This improves on the first game in basically every way. Combat's better, there's more Force powers, and they're more fun to play around with. Even better, you start with all of your abilities from the last game, with no bullshit of having to regain them (which is a definite plus, because I love any game that lets me doublejump from the start).

The biggest thing I can say against it is that the story feels kind of like it drags on. The last act is emotionally satisfying, but it still feels like a few hours should be cut from the middle somewhere.

Better combat and gameplay than the first game, but the story isn't as good and there are some performance issues, but overall still a good game

Really good laser sights but drags at the end

A very enjoyable romp through the early years of the Empire. Not inundated with A multitude of unnecessary cameos, the game plays very well with its own characters. Combat was pretty fun, but what felt best were the slides. Lightsaber customization also a blast, even if finishing the cosmetic collection can be a bit of a slog.

When Cameron Monaghan is tired of playing Joker