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Nothing could have prepared me for how much this game caused my brain to ache, but it delivered in the best possible way. Yes it dumps truck loads of information and exposition into codec calls and cutscenes, yes it is still endlessly confusing and bloated, yes the Big Shell is disappointingly sterile at times and filled with backtracking, but I cannot help looking past these glaring problems to enjoy this game for how batshit insane it is. The finale is so dream-like and bizarre that it solidified my overall enjoyment, as all the pieces that once were falling into place are completely blown up. I can't think about this game without remembering the annoyances at large, but I don't think that can keep a game from being a masterpiece, which it very much is.

It’s hard to say what this game really does outright WRONG, it has a lot going for it which is likely a testament to how great the Dishonored franchise is, but so much just feels off. Basically every character is unlikable and only speaks to be quirky, gunplay is okay but underwhelming and a big chunk of the areas feel lifeless and boring. Thankfully it does retain some great Dishonored-type positives such as massive variety in routes to objectives and interactive objects that affect enemies (eg. shooting a gumball dispenser spills them out, which can trip enemies).
Overall though I just can’t shake the feeling of how ‘corporate’ Deathloop feels. It’s hard to explain what I mean by that, but so much of this game feels like it is forcing itself into pleasing a particular demographic, which ironically is probably what makes them turn the other way. The game has some great bones, but it’s the meat that is the problem.

Genuinely ashamed that I put this off for so long. I remember playing Skyrim at the time this came out and not picking it up because it ‘isn’t open world’. I wish I could slap my 12 year old self.
Dishonored’s greatest achievement has to be the gameplay loop. The game never feels as if it is pushing you in a particular direction; Corvo is you, and he makes decisions based on your ideal course of action. Personally I found low chaos stealth to be my style, and felt so pleasantly overwhelmed with the number of approaches I could use with this form of gameplay. There are countless routes and creative ways to take care of your targets without outright killing them, which I appreciate so much in a game like this.
Could say a lot more, but this was my main takeaway. Brilliant story, would love to read more on the lore.