The best immersive sim I will fight you.

Don't really like the remake visuals.

Usually play it for 2 weeks straight after not picking up for like a year. Those are usually a very fun 2 weeks.

Its not a bad game, but I really didn't need more after the first.

Hard to recommend because Thief 2 is better in just about every way. Some of the gold edition levels should be skipped.

Its crazy how big that one level is where you climb a mountain.

Skyrim is more fun on a surface level. But I never felt as invested in the world as with Morrowind.

A well designed game for sure, but the level design just doesn't have that magic the original did.

The air-fryer of video games. You're probably tired of people talking about, but it really is that good.

The level design is very challenging, yet rewarding.

Must play with a map. Never had the patience to finish it.

One of the few RPG's I actually roleplay in.