first console game? would wager it hasn't aged well

best memories of gaming w/ my dad

this was the most difficult game in the world to me at the time

lovely, the sequel capitalized on the fun of this even more

the physics and multiplayer in this alone far surpass gta 5


this game probably doesn't hold up very well, but i absolutely loved sinking myself further into it

the memory of this game is magical for me. this really made me fall in love with exploration in games. the secret courses prodded my imagination. i must have created an entire secret side of the mountain in my head

don't remember this very well, but i played it!

i was more capable when i played this one, but man was it still difficult

i don't think i was ever as excited to play a game as i was this one. the atmosphere still holds up, even if the gameplay doesn't

best story in any videogame i've played, bar none. brilliant from top to bottom. the original is great too (played it for the first time recently), but this is in a league of its own. i would kill for a 3rd entry, but i see how daunting it would be to try and recapture the magic and spirit of this game

best memories in gaming with my friends. no game captures creativity in youth better than this one