My brain does the numbing thing when I play

The game was somewhat good until it got so unoptimized I couldn't get 30fps, so I quit.

It wasn't bad, title cinematic hits hard at the beginning

Got me thru lot's of sad times.


I listened to a book while playing this game, and 4 hours passed like a minute. My wrist got sore.
would play again.

It's fantastic, but the areas of this DLC is poorly designed. Makes it worth with the end boss.

I just joined this site, to show this game was one of the games of all time. Played it a long time ago, and loved it.

One of the best mobile games

This game was bad. Everything about it is bad. The design is the sort of bad pixel art, the AI is retarded, the mechanics are unexplained, dumb and stupid. doing anything is extreamly easy, but takes like 2 real life hours. And if you play meta the game is literally 5 minutes. They have to pay me to play this garbage, and even than I wouldn't.

One of the best cooperative games I've ever played. It's not easy, but it is rewarding. 4 stars because it's not Terraria (max) levels of fun, but close.

While playing I'm constantly amazed that I'm having fun scrolling a PDF file, or having the same amount of fun clicking on different colored lines. Definitely recommend, even if just trying it out.

Side note: if you're colorblind this game is way harder, if possible at all.

I have started another playthrough on Violent difficulty, and I'm almost done with P-ing the entire game again.
My opinion that this game is the best game ever still stands. But I want to clarify something. ULTRAKILL's lore and visuals are of course bad, practically non-existent. However, the gameplay itself, every single button press, just simply feels wonderful.

So the reason why I say this is the best game ever is because the major part of games is you playing them. And ULTRAKILL excels at that part.
If I want to look at beautiful views in games I can download a game that's just for graphics, but usually, those games lack gameplay so when I'm in a combat area I just get knocked out of the immersion.
The same goes for story/lore, for that, I watch YouTube videos of complex videogame lore/worldbuilding. I couldn't figure half of the lore out by myself while playing either way.
But when I sit down and I want to game, like press buttons not just watch a videogame-movie. I boot up games like ULTRAKILL, games that are good to play. This game is perfect to play.

I have to be harsh on the game, movement is fantastic, but man, the controls for said movement are horrendous. I finished the main story and I bearly have any muscle memory.

it's still somehow "good", but for a game that is all about the movement make it feel good because I can't say the moment feels good, it just looks good.

how can you make something this high budget yet this bad?