NGL, a bit overrated, but still a wonderfull game still.

Truly one of the games of all time.

You have to get good for the game to get good.
It looks like a basic base-building game, but it isn't, it's much more

I streamed the whole game on discord, it was a blast for the boys.

It's cute, fun, and well short. It's still a fantastic indie game.

Can't give more. The game is dying because of sweaty tryhards, the coolest players I ever met in any game, but they are just too good. No chance for a new player.

For what the demo is, this game should not be taken seriously, it's a fun game, not a long or AAA one.

Extreme pc requirements, way too unoptimized, a bit pay to win, unreasonable to new players. Can be fun with the boys, if everyone has a 600+ dollar PC

When you think the base game is good, and this rolls around. 7 stars!

"This game was made to die" -some Youtuber; I forgor 💀

before it was dead, it was good

Not the best, but one of the best.

2 cars, 1 ball. (in the 1v1 mode)