I would commit heinous crimes for a remaster of this game. Firmly in my holy trinity of all-time favorites. Unsure how this game would play for a first-timer but I still play this every year or so and love it like the first time. I'm also a massive FFXII shill and I love the Ivalice connection - I have no way to prove this but I swear the soundtracks share motifs. Anyway, that's not relevant, this game fucking slaps and should be mandatory

Sam Barlow sure knows how to make em. My only regret is... how the fuck do I talk to people about this game? How do I recommend this game?! I can't. I'm all alone. Thanks a lot Sam Barlow

This... this was what I wanted from Danganronpa but didn't quite receive. Excellent mystery, great story, (semi)satisfying conclusion. Big fan, want more

I thought I preferred the remake over the original but it now feels like whichever one that I've played more recently is going to be my favourite. This playthrough reeducated me on why this is in my top 5

What a pleasant surprise this game was. I had less than zero desire to play it but borrowed it from my brother when he was done just to see what the craic was. And the craic was good! This is a very good game! It does get extremely repetitive but like... it's still super good! The story is surprisingly charming, the world is neat, and fuck what the internet says I actually really like the art style and don't have a problem with the stylised trees. Pokemon Company can you just.... can you just make a 100% good pokemon game please? You're so close. I'll settle for 95%, take it or leave it.

Ahh the first Fire Emblem and likely first turn based strategy RPG I ever played. Huge nostalgia, huge love for this. Docked a couple of points because I got to the final boss in hard mode but it had an AOE attack that killed one of the main characters every time so I literally couldn't finish the game. You owe me ~30ish hours of my life back Nintendo!

Still amazing. Also the first time I've been able to do more than 5 damage at a time to the last boss, that's neat. To anyone reading: elemental affinity matters way more than type affinity, heard it here first

Still the greatest soundtrack in video game history. I'll never get Chemical Plant Zone out of my head

Speaking of games I've played a lot of, this bad boy has been a mainstay on my phone with a DS Emulator for like... 5 years now? Whenever I'm bored: bam, quick play. Whenever I'm going to be bored for a weekend: sure, why not play the whole campaign again. I shudder to think of the amount of time I've spent playing this.

I adore this game. I bought the remaster the day it came out in the hopes that my single purchase would inspire a sequel. I'm still holding onto that hope, never say die.

I'm probably in the vast minority of people who connected to this game more than Baldur's Gate. It's basically a boss rush: you go from set piece to set piece and then the game ends. And I kind of love it?

I literally can't enjoy Skyrim because I just wish I was playing this game anytime I boot it up. I know I'm a boomer, shutup. Anyway, when you explore the map, the area you've visited darkens - I once explored the entire map with my favourite character, true story. Don't ask how many hours that save file had.

I really wish more people had played this game, it's just a delight. I will say that I kind of had to force myself through for the first few hours, felt a bit of a pull for the next few hours and then BAM! Absolutely hooked and couldn't put it down. That early grind might put some people off but I hope you can find the pure enjoyment like I did

Has this game become kind of a meme? Yes. Is this still one of the best games ever made? Also yes. This is like the gaming equivalent to Fight Club. I feel like I have to apologize when I say it's one of my all time favorites but fuck you I love Fight Club. Er, I mean Bioshock

They said it couldn't be done. They said you couldn't improve Breath of the Wild. They said Nintendo was full of madmen who had never made a game in their lives. Well they were all wrong and Nintendo: you done did the do

I put up with my barely functioning laptop to play this game before there were console versions and I regret nothing. Even the 5 minute start up time ain't no thang in comparison to this borderline masterpiece.

I've watched hours and hours of content on YouTube about this game's ARG and recommend you do as well - Mr Mullins did not need to go this hard but boy am I glad he did