Yeah I think I'm done. This game started hot as fuck, I was recommending it to everyone. But now a good 15 hours in, it's clear to me that this game has nothing else going on.

It's lovely to look at and it's well made. It'll distract you and you'll probably have fun. But hot damn is it repetitive - start a quest (with unskippable scenes at the beginning and end), talk to someone, follow a trail, kill a group of people, end quest. Rinse and repeat. It's so bland, the characters are dull, and I could not give two shits about the story.

I know this is nothing but negativity and then a 3 star rating. That's because it's competently made and I could absolutely kill more hours playing it. But I've got such a backlog that it's not worth spending more of my time on the most mid open world game ever made

I really enjoy this game and would play more if I wasn't concerned about destroying my phone screen and stylus.

It's repetitive but I find the core mechanic so engaging that it really doesn't matter and it does a good job of scattering secrets across the map which makes it thrilling to stumble on a random Venusaur in a cave.

Good game, keen to play the sequels sometime

Really good shit. Might not be everyone's cup of tea because it throws so much stuff at the wall to see if it sticks that it becomes a jack-of-all-trades master of none kind of game. But the core mechanic: diving and collecting fish is good enough that even if you don't connect to the farm sim mini game, it won't last more than 2 mins before you can get back to what you like.

Art style and cutscenes unexpected mvp

I pre-ordered this game, what the fuck was I thinking.

That's not fair, I know what I was thinking - I don't play MyCareer so the microtransactions don't affect me even though they're absolutely criminal.

No, I play 2K for MyTeam and most importantly MyLeague. MyLeague... works. Mostly as intended too. I think it has added too much micromanagement but you don't actually have to engage with it so that's fine.

No, where this game falls down is PLAYING THE DAMN GAME OF BASKETBALL. I'm not a pro. Not even close to it. But in previous 2K games is was able to run plays, make shots and play defence. I have no clue what they did to this one but I hate every minute of playing the game. Hell, I even tried playing with a full team of 90-overall players - nah didn't help. I see people on the 2K sub reddit saying this has the best gameplay yet and I don't get it at all. It'd be real cool if it was fucking possible to make an open layup - is that too much to ask?

Anyway, that's my gripe. Also how about having some non-shady business practices 2K you absolute ghouls

This was kind of what I was looking for from Super Bomberman R but now replaying this, I think I had rose-tinted glasses either way.

I do enjoy the core gameplay and I feel like a god when I manage to kick a bomb and stop it just in time to trap an enemy. But at the end of the day, it's overly repetitive and brutally punishing at times.

I will die on a hill that this game was excellent in it's time. Hell, the fact i managed to beat the game and enjoyed the shit out of it as a kid is testament to that. But now less fun to play 20 years later.

I'm extremely curious about whether Bomberman can turn itself around or another studio can pick up the core gameplay loop that this has left behind because there may be something here and I think there could be a market for an innovation. Or maybe game design has just moved on and games like this have been left behind forever, who knows.

I popped this on intending to quickly check it out and see if I could relive some nostalgia. Accidentally played the whole thing, woops.

I really like this game. I absolutely have nostalgia glasses and am blessed to remember all of the nonsensical hidden esoteric bullshit, I can't imagine trying to parse this as a first-timer.

But I'm gonna live my truth, this game is great, it's probably a big stupid idiot move by me that I haven't played the 3DS remake, I should fix that asap.

Also first time finishing the game in under 3 hours and getting bikini Samus at the end, go me I guess?

Hot take: Sunshine was my favourite of the 3 🙊

Ahh the first Fire Emblem and likely first turn based strategy RPG I ever played. Huge nostalgia, huge love for this. Docked a couple of points because I got to the final boss in hard mode but it had an AOE attack that killed one of the main characters every time so I literally couldn't finish the game. You owe me ~30ish hours of my life back Nintendo!

Extremely good. One of those games where I play the first hour and think "this is alright I guess". But I'm drawn back and then after a 3 hour straight play session I go to bed wanting nothing more than to go back to that spider ball spot in the Magmoor caverns that I forgot to check before switching the game off. Amazed at how well the Metroid formula transfers to first person. Am now excited for Prime 4.

One criticism: when you're designing a game where you rely on the map so heavily, let me see EXACTLY where elevators take me. "Tallon Overworld East" - cool, how about when I push A on the elevator symbol on the map, you just show me the room I'm about to go to - is that okay? No? Okay I'll just go fuck myself then

I thought I preferred the remake over the original but it now feels like whichever one that I've played more recently is going to be my favourite. This playthrough reeducated me on why this is in my top 5

Lost myself in this game for a solid week or two. Horrendously engrossing and just gorgeous to look at. Terrifying at times, but gorgeous nonetheless. Going to take a good long break before diving into Below Zero at some point.

What a pleasant surprise this game was. I had less than zero desire to play it but borrowed it from my brother when he was done just to see what the craic was. And the craic was good! This is a very good game! It does get extremely repetitive but like... it's still super good! The story is surprisingly charming, the world is neat, and fuck what the internet says I actually really like the art style and don't have a problem with the stylised trees. Pokemon Company can you just.... can you just make a 100% good pokemon game please? You're so close. I'll settle for 95%, take it or leave it.

I really wish more people had played this game, it's just a delight. I will say that I kind of had to force myself through for the first few hours, felt a bit of a pull for the next few hours and then BAM! Absolutely hooked and couldn't put it down. That early grind might put some people off but I hope you can find the pure enjoyment like I did

Took me something like 10 hours to beat Farewell on my first attempt. Stoked I did it though.

A rare game that's just as fun to play as it is to watch people online master the mechanics and make a fool out of the game. What's not as fun is thinking you can do what they're doing and getting shut down within the first 5 seconds of attempting it.

Unquestionably the best party game ever made. The only issue is the impossible task of getting 3-5 friends together who want to sit and play TowerFall in the same place at the same time. God dammit I'm old