9 reviews liked by yukinos

having finished the game on both routes all i can say is that if THIS is the early access, the final release is a true GOTY contender.

i absolutely love animal well. i was expecting to enjoy it, but really i wasn't prepared for just how magical it feels. the map is incredibly dense, the puzzles are intuitively designed and have a great sense of accomplishment, the boss fights (which i wasn't expecting at all) are actually really creative puzzle fights, which i usually dislike.

my only MAJOR complaint is that it does feel a bit railroaded at times, a lot of areas deliberately prevent you from sequence breaking, which is something i find annoying. but other than that, just a ridiculously good game.

i owe you an apology miyazaki, i wasnt really familiar with your game

i have learned to love dark souls. the atmosphere is great, the way the world is connected is amazing, and i love the combat system. almost everything is amazing, except lost izalith which is the worst shit ever.

o&s and gwyn are awesome. pretty much every boss is. excellent game.

aigis... you'll find the answer one day as well.

persona 3 reload is a... hard game to review.

this IS persona 3 we're talking about, i love the main characters, the simple yet underlying complex story told all at once, and aigis might be my favorite character of the whole series.

(and yes, i really like the new soundtrack)

that said, it's still a game, and a remake nonetheless, so i have some things i wanna complain on:

1. while i did enjoy the new hangouts and mini social links, i think this remake is far too constrained on being faithful to it's source material rather than trying something more with it, this remake could've been a LOT more, but instead it chose to do the exact same thing as it's PS2 counterpart, and as a counterpart the game still feels like it has the PS2 limitations in mind. and the whole time i kept wondering "i spent $70 dollars on this, and i could've just played FES again..."

2. also, the majority of the social links... kinda suck. or i don't really care for. here's a tier list of how i feel about them

3. they could've done a LOT more with tartarus, the same way they did with mementos in P5 -> P5R (i miss you, ryuji's insta-kill) and it kinda frustrates me they chose to handle it like this.

4. it still has the same problem as FES, that when you max your social skills and your social links at night, you have NOTHING else to do on nights. this is a little mitigated by the dorm hangouts but it gets old really quickly

but when all is said and done, it's still a really meaningful experience and i had a lot of fun.

This game has creativity oozing out of it from every corner, from the level design to gameplay mechanics always changing, I never got bored. I especially enjoyed the set-pieces in this game as some were really stunning (that clock level).

The story isn't anything ground breaking but instead serves as a vessel to keep things moving which I think works for this type of game. The voice acting was also pretty good so it helped carry it along.

GOTY Best Turn base Game.