it's a cute game with a cute gimmick

i didn't actually expect Tony Hawk's Jet Set Radio's story to be any level of interesting, but it actually did get me at some points. the combat sucks balls.
that's pretty much the only thing that sucks about the game though.

i used to love this game when i was a teenager but coming back to it now it just gives me a headache to look at. it is atmospheric if you like staring at eye-searingly white walls while jungle ambiance blasts your ears. the puzzles are actually interesting though.

i kinda dont know why this was so popular as it was, but it is a pretty neat exploration puzzle platformer with a neat gimmick. speedrun bait.

my favorite busted up piece of crap video game

i really played this shit for 8 hours wondering when the game was gonna start

the fact that we have a fighting game that isn't busted on launch, has good netcode, has intuitive and easy to understand mechanics, and an actual single player mode that isn't a damn movie should not be understated. this game has singlehandedly put us in a new era of fighting games, and it won't even be a competition until tekken 8 comes out.

game's just cruel man. it's one of those games where you can't mess up once or you're gonna have to start all over. on top of that there's enough levels where i should honestly mark this as Retired, cuz nobody who has a limited amount of free time will finish them all if it doesn't click. other than that it's pretty solid. if you snow in on one thing easily and love difficult platforming, it's probably for you.

fun mechanics. that's about it. game is like 4 hours and it still felt too long.

saw WIPs of this game on twitter like 4 years before it came out and forgot it existed, then it dropped out of nowhere. crack cocaine for people who like to complete levels as fast as possible. barely any bugs in casual plays. love the unique art direction. game's just fun. the time it spent in development was well spent.

game is pretty much carried by its art direction and really good movement systems. you can bhop. the combat is whatever, but it doesn't feel bad. not much else to say. worth the money, worth the playthrough. can see myself coming back to it just to jump around or speedrun.
since it's made in Unreal, it will most likely have a lot of mod content in the future, which is always fun.