My Shelved Games 2021

A list for myself in case I want to tie up loose ends in my life.

Shelved defined as:
• I did not finish the main story
• If the game does not have a story to finish, I did not accomplish the goal I set for myself with the game
• I must have progressed a little bit (otherwise, it belongs in my backlog section)
• Does not include games I have finished before
• Does not include games purchased before 2021 if I did not play them this year
• Does not include games I can access via Steam Family Sharing (if I did not play them)

Game was unplayably buggy with friends. We got frustrated and abandoned it.
Only been to Rank 3 and keep failing back to Rank 1, very patience-testing
Never got through giant opening section
Got frustrated trying to landscape
Stopped in first dream section, because I suck
I finished Lake but struggled way too much and ultimately quit
Only have maybe half the victories necessary for main story
Did training with Arizona, but have not played any matches or gotten very far in the story
Spent a lot of time on each map, stopped at Bangkok
Only started with a friend and never got past first boss
Only finished a couple chapters with friend. Not interested in playing it alone, and might just be abandoned.
I play this with a friend every couple months, making small progress every meetup (on Switch)


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