Copying the powers of the bosses you beat is cool but that means that a boss is either trivial (if you have their respective weakness) or a giant pain in the ass to fight. Furthemore, I would have liked to be able to use the different powers a bit more in the actual stages but that wasn't really feasible since all the powers drain your energy extremely fast and you will want to reserve this energy for the boss fight.
Mega Man controls pretty terribly too. His jumps are pitiful and so is his movement speed. That makes the platforming in this game extremely frustrating and just not enjoyable at all. The only reason why this game was somewhat palatable for me was because I used save-states and even then I found it pretty frustrating.
Also the guy who designed the Yellow Devil boss fight should be shot.

Way better than the first. Mega Man's movement is still a bit clunky but since the enemies are less bullshit than in the previous game it is far more manageable. The bosses are a complete joke though since you can just spam their weakness and they die in 2 seconds.
The E-Tanks were a welcome addition. On the other hand, I did not enjoy the instant-kill stuff like beams in the Quick Man stage and the jellyfish in the Bubble Man stage.
Another small issue I had with the game was that you get so many different powers but there's just not enough game to really try them all out for more than a few seconds. But at least you actually get to use them in the actual stages since most of them don't drain a full bar of energy in 5 seconds as was the case in the first game.
I don't plan to revisit this game anytime soon (if ever) but I did have a good time with it.

A step down from Mega Man 2 in my opinion. The improved controls and the addition of sliding weren't enough to make up for the flaws of this game. The stages were frustating, some of them were actually Mega Man 1-tier annoying.
Furthermore, the new powers are a lot worse than the Mega Man 2 powers. Both in terms of effectiveness and in terms of how good they felt to use.
The Proto Man fights were pretty lame as well and holy shit the amount of lag in this game. Hard Man's and Gemini Man's stages might also be two of the worst stages I have encountered in a Mega Man game. I also did not enjoy the Doc Robot section which basically boiled down to replaying four stages just to defeat a recycled Mega Man 2 boss. After that point with Doc Robot we get the Wily stages and these stages were a lot better than the ones before in my opinion. Some decent bosses too, except for that motherfucker Yellow Devil. Not sure why they've brought the worst Mega Man 1 boss back for a sequel. Well now that I think about it they do recycle a lot of content in these games...
Even though I didn't enjoy the fights with Proto Man, I did enjoy seeing his first appearance in the series. His tune is pretty good too. The whole soundtrack is pretty good actually. Also, I loved Rush. Such a good boy. Rush Jet is sooo good in this game that they (sadly) nerfed it later.

The best of the NES Mega Man games I have played so far. First time we get somewhat of a story which was a welcome change in my opinion. The one-screen sub screen was a very welcome addition as well. What a huge improvement compared to the previous three games that was.
I enjoyed most of the stages and most of the bosses. The bosses were a more difficult than they were in the previous games but they were fair. No replaying stages either. And yes we still get the boss rush room which I am not a big fan of but other than that most bosses were unique and had interesting patterns.
The weapon variety was a lot better than the previous games too.

Seemed a bit easier than the previous games but that might also be because the charged shot is very strong in this game. Anyway, I barely had any trouble at all beating this game while some sections in the earlier games were pretty difficult/annoying.
I liked this game about the same as Mega Man 4 maybe just a tad less but still pretty enjoyable. The powers were cool and so were most of the bosses. The stages weren't bad either.
And I absolutely loved the little bird Beat.

Maybe the Mega Man fatigue has set in a little bit because this is the 6th Mega Man game I finished in like three days, but I liked this one a bit less than the previous one even though it feels like I 'should' like this one better. This game is clearly the most polished one yet and most of the powers were pretty strong and fun to use. Rush Jet is pretty cool too, but the fact that you could just fly over most rooms made it a little too good in my opinion. Rush Power is whatever. Very strong though. It annoyed me that you lose the ability to slide in these Rush forms.
Most bosses were extremely easy. Others very annoying, like the Dino. Energy Balancer should really just have been already been a thing since Mega Man 1 and unlocked by default.

The way Mega Man walks and jumps in this game I don't know man it's kinda weird. He also feels really slow. Not a big fan of the sound effects either and the music feels off?
On the other hand, I do like that they added a little story and fleshed out the characters some more. Makes the world feel more alive. Furthermore, the boss fights were pretty enjoyable and unique for the most part. But damn that final Wily fight was hard.
I always feel like with these games that I am using the special boss powers far too little. I only used the boss powers for the actual bosses and for the stages I basically only used the Mega Buster and later the Rush Adapter.
Overall, an alright Mega Man game.

I did not like this game very much.
Most of the stages were frustrating. Especially Frost Man's and Astro Man's stages. The Frost Man stage was one of the worst experiences I've ever had in any videogame and Astro Man's stage is a giant pain in the ass.
Another problem I have with this game is that Mega Man moves so damn slow.
And let's not forget the voice acting. It is laughably bad.
I did like the animations (for the most part) and the graphics. And the music was decent as well. The weapons were pretty alright too.
Still, that isn't nearly enough to save this trainwreck of a game.

Wily has a Death Star in this game.

Sadly, the Death Star stage isn't actually that great. Seemed to be a lot of copy and paste. The bosses in the Death Star were great though.
Other than that, the game itself can get a bit laggy at times which sometimes ate my inputs.
The stages were great. It might even be the best set of stages quality-wise of all the classic Mega Man games.
The space setting was superb in my opinion and the planet-themed bosses were pretty good as well. Their powers were good and sufficiently distinct from each other, although I barely used any of them, except against the bosses.
And finally a yellow devil that isn't nigh on impossible to dodge!
My favorite classic Mega Man that I have played thus far.

Playing as Bass was great. His speed with dashes feels very good since Mega Man has been nothing but extremely slow in all of his games. Double jumps are pretty good too.
I did miss Mega Man's slide and charge shot but I get that each character should have their own special traits of course.
I didn't really like the stages that much though. Lots of annoying enemy placement kind of ruined most stages for me. I did like discovering the many secret areas however.
And I don't know why exactly but this game kinda feels like a fan-made game instead of an official game. It just feels... off.
Most bosses were alright. But there were a few extremely annoying ones like Dynamo Man and Burner Man. And of course the Plane boss.
When I encountered the Teleporter room, I was so glad that for once I didn't have to do a boss rush. The usual boss rush Teleporter room is something else entirely in this game. However, the devs just couldn't resist putting in a boss rush anyway. I did not appreciate that fakeout.

This is how a NES Mega Man was meant to be experienced.
The game looks great, there's no lag, no flickering, there are save files and it is complete with all the dumb bullshit that a NES Mega Man should have.
The levels are short and sweet and the stages are well-designed.
I had a good time fighting most of the bosses and their powers are pretty useful and distinct from each other.
However, as I mentioned, there is some bullshit in this game. Most of them are platforming sections with pits, spikes or both. Which can get pretty frustrating, but I can forgive that since the game is so polished and fun to play.

Another great classic Mega Man game. I love these clean, polished and (mostly) well-designed Mega Man games.
I just wish there were more Mega Man games like 9 and 10.
The stages were of similar quality as in the ones in 9, although I didn't really like Solar Man stage. Other stages were pretty good though. Still some bullshit as is par for the course in these games.
Also, the Robot Masters in this game might be the weirdest yet. One's a sheep, another is a fucking pump and yet another is a baseball player (okay I have to admit, that one is kinda cool). Even though some of these bosses were a bit silly, the boss fights were good. I liked their powers as well.
I somehow had more trouble with this game than with 9, even though I heard people say that 9 is the harder game. The Chill Man and Commando Man stages took me quite a few tries to get through.
Overall, I liked this one a lot. Maybe just a tad below Mega Man 9.

First of all, I'm playing this on a shitty laptop which meant that I had to deal with slowdowns. But that wasn't going to stop me from completing this game since I've come so far after beating Mega Mans 1 to 10 in a row.
This is one of the reasons why I don't like 3D models in 2D games since the only thing it does is add lag.
I think 2D sprites can look great and the Mega Man series has already proved that they can do great 2D art so I don't really get why they felt the need to do this 2.5D thing. I don’t really like it that much visually either.
Anyway, the game is great. Great soundtrack too. The gear system is neat, especially when combining it with the boss powers.
I could’ve done without the voice acting to be honest.
I liked that the shop had a lot of upgrades. You get a lot of gear in the stages so you can buy many of the upgrades as well as items like 1ups and E-tanks in the shop. Because of that, this game wasn't that hard. But I didn't mind, because I had a lot of fun. There were still a few bullshit sections which could get frustrating but nothing Rush Jet couldn't handle.
Speaking of bullshit, Bounce Man’s stage is somehow both the best and the worst stage I’ve encountered in a Mega Man game and I wasn’t a big fan of Block Man stage either.
I'll definitely replay this game as soon as I get a better PC.

This game introduced the dash and wall climb. Both of which are great additions to Mega Man's kit.
The Dash in particular is fun and a very welcome addition. I love the speed at which you can zoom around the stages thanks to the dash, especially when compared to classic Mega Man's snail's pace.
The Wall climb is neat too. The bosses were pretty good as well.
But idk the stages are kinda boring? Just long stretches with very little enemy variety. The soundtrack isn't anything special either. It's a shame when considering that this is the best that Mega Man has ever controlled and then we get stages like this...
Don't get me wrong, the stages aren't bad, just boring.
I still had fun with the game though, thanks to the great movement and the cool weapons.

Frustrating stage designs. Lots of things that just instantly kill you. Didn’t like the bosses much either. Especially Agile, Serges, Violen and the worst offender Sigma, were a huge pain in the ass to fight.
I liked the suit enhancements less than in X1 too. Targeting Helmet is tedious to use and the Armor upgrade is pretty lackluster too. And it felt like the Double Shot X-Buster was a downgrade from the X-Buster upgrade in X1 as well.
The Air-Dash was alright, although in most cases, a dash into a jump would suffice in most cases. But it did have its uses.
I would have liked to be able to use an Air-Dash after a Dash -> Jump, however that's not possible.
The boss powers were alright I guess.