As a kid, after thoroughly mastering every other aspect of this game, I would spend hours goofing around in the levels and using the goop physics to try and spread the paint around to the most obscure possible points on each map

And here, dear readers, we can see the beginnings of my fascination with the stealth genre

This star ranking is not an objective review: my original save file for this game had a Challenge Mode ranking of over 20 playthroughs, and that's saying nothing about my other save files. This game was the jam of my adolescence.

Oh yeah, and the soundtrack rips

this game + a gameboy micro + a snowy winter's day + hot chocolate = the ultimate self care day

Nothing, and I mean nothing, tops the feeling of finally assembling the Hydra in a City Trial with a minute or so left on the clock and then relentlessly hunting down your friends on the map so that you can ram them and instantly decimate their star machine and stat progress right before the minigame starts in a sadistic power trip

The Kirby franchise works so well as a Metroidvania that I'm absolutely gobsmacked at how we didn't see more of it

I refuse to play this game without the Omniwrench lightsaber cheat code enabled

This is the definitive SM64 experience and I will not hear arguments to the contrary

I have the rereleased version of this game where the box art is just a photograph of the original DS case for this game like some avant garde artistic inception and that alone elevates this a game a star for me

This was also my introduction to Metroidvanias and it absolutely slaps so that's cool too

Racing games that let you integrate your own music into the game are automatic 4.5 outta 5 ratings for me and I feel no shame in admitting that

The Year of Luigi was one of Nintendo's worst financial years on record

Wild how good this game is for its time (and how much Metal Gear Solid just shamelessly stole most of its iconic moments right out of this game in what feels like an attempt to memory-hole the fact that it ever existed yet still directly references the events of the game as canon)

This game had like a 60% chance of frying my computer every time I booted it up, but the game inside was so captivating that I would repeatedly tempt fate all the time just to try and reach a new stage

In retrospect it just messed with the monitor's resolution settings and wouldn't revert them back after closing the application, but childhood me had no idea what that meant and didn't want to get in trouble for breaking the computer so I'd just do a system restore to fix it because that's what I read on the internet about removing viruses so surely that must be the remedy here

absolutely bonkers that this has more in common with Star Fox 64 than Yoshi's Island


I'd dock this game a bit more for just how completely unfocused it is and how few levels involve platforming, but I'm a huge fan of esoteric secrets leading to extra challenge levels

Plus, to an eight year old, a fruit bazooka was the most badass thing in the world