Played on PC. Once you learn to master the mechanics it makes for an amazing experience. If you're more casual, you probaby won't enjoy it as much, but this is still a great game.

Abandoned on Windows via Dolphin. I used a real Wiimote for the record. The controls are just poppycock. You can't come to a halt easily; you have to hold it as a weird 45 degree angle. And going forward takes a lot of tilt, but going backwards is as easy as pie. This would be fine if the stages felt built around that, but at times they can be weirdly precise. And sometimes they can be annoying because you can't stop. Hell even the damn MENUS are a bitch to navigate. That's never happened to me in my (albeit short) gaming career. Overall, this game just sucks.

Beaten on a PC via Dolphin. Incredible game all around. The level design is perfect, the controls are smooth as butter, and it's extremely addicting and fun. Give it a shot if you can, but do be warned that it is quite tough.

Beaten on a PC via Dolphin. Let me say that I love 2. It got me into the franchise as a whole. But I'll be damned to admit its as good as the first game. My main problem with it is that the level design just isn't as good as 1. An uncomfortable percent of it was either goo gimmicky, tedious, or borderline frustrating. Special shoutout to Arthropod. It has more party games, but I don't really care about those. It sports good graphics, amazing music, and even though the level design is a fair bit worse, I still think it's well done. Monkey Ball 2 is a good game, just not as good as the first.

worth it for gangplank galleon alone

sonic adventure 2 if it was actually good

rebeaten on a windows pc; and yep this is still one of the best rougelikes ever made. even if you've never tried one, you should give this one a shot. dont worry, its not that hard, despite the permadeath. it takes a while to learn, and thats what i love about it

amazing 10/10 video game thats worth $2 usd

great game for it's time and it's still phenomenal today

not my kind of game but it was alright. new leaf better tho

beaten on 3ds; a gorgeous 3ds platformer that’s overall a decent game. not much inherently wrong with it. it’s pretty short and easy but there’s some extra character that i didn’t really care for.

beaten on new 3ds and pc. this was pretty great, with incredible music and fun levels. i wish it was a little longer tho

played on switch: from what ive played it's the same as gunman clive on the 3ds; just with both games, same flaws and all

NOTE: This is a review of the DLC, NOT the game as a whole. I love Isaac Rebirth, see my review on it if you're curious as to why.
Afterbirth Plus is easily the worst DLC of them all. It barely adds anything at all and what's here is incredibly mediocre. Let's start with it's major additions.
The Void SUCKS. Not only is the entire floor big as all hell, it's really, REALLY easy. Imagine Basement 1, but they give you Tech X, Brimstone, and Polyphemus on the first floor, and you have The Void. You just steamroll everything in your path. Sure, you could somewhat say that about the main game, but that was much rarer to achieve. And don't even get me started on the glitchy nightmare that is Delirium. He's so glitchy and can telefrag you whenever he wants to. He's also way too damn fast. He's a fun fight, but he can be pretty annoying at times.
Greedier Mode is just harder Greed Mode. Not much else to say.
There are 2 new characters. Forgotten is fun, but Apollyon, while also fun, is way too similar to Isaac. You void bad items, just like you'd D6 bad items.
100 new items, which is fine. But there's a lot of items that are almost entirely worthless. Unique, but not good enough for another major DLC.
The 5 new challenges are AWFUL. The only one that's decent here is Pokeymans; the rest are terrible. Backasswards is just RNG, April's Fool isn't fun, Pong is pretty much just slow roll, and Ultra Hard is the worst challenge in the entire game.
Overall, AB+ just wasn't a good DLC. It's too miniscule in content, and the new stuff isn't all that great. Buy it for Repentance and nothing else.


Beaten on my Steam Deck. First FPS I've ever beaten, and this was a solid introduction. Pretty satisfying to blast through hordes of enemies, and the soundtrack is a goddamn meme. While it's not as hard as Doom 93, it does provide a good challenge. Overall, this was pretty good, and I might replay it again.