Very unique game with a beautiful minimalistic design and great ambiance.

Everyone should play this game at least once in their lifetime.

It's scary how much the message conveyed by this game still applies to this day.

Looking past the sometimes awkward writing, this is a masterpiece.

Not a bad action game with light stealth elements and a semi-decent plotline that is enough to keep you engaged. This is, however, a huge departure from what characterised the series.

Too many stealth elements were stripped out of the PC/PS3/XBOX360 version of the game. This coupled with an unpolished gameplay and a storyline that forces you to perform boring tasks while off-mission makes this one of the weakest entries in the series. Despite this, I believe the game's ideas were not necessarily bad, just poorly executed.

By far the best entry in the series and one of the best, most complete stealth games ever made.

An excellent stealth game that has aged quite well!

Great atmosphere and writing with sometimes bullshit gameplay situations thrown at the player. Make sure you quicksave before each corner and staircase.

The only bad thing about this game is that it's too short

Probably the most comprehensive Project DIVA entry.

The most fun game in the series with very satisfying driving mechanics and overall well-polished gameplay. Unfortunately the game was too silly and over the top at times which didn't sit well with me.

Groundbreaking game with the amount of freedom, content, and customization it offered at the time.

Once you get past the driving mechanics, which seem to deter a lot of people from giving this game a chance, you'll find a very unique GTA offering a darker tone and a serious plot.

Good game with a fun gameplay and decent plot despite the questionable pacing and sometimes unnecessary filler.
Still, probably one of the best Final Fantasy games in the last decade.
Do not play this expecting it to be an exact copy of the original game.