One of the most revolutionary and remarkable games i’ve ever played. So many options and so many different ways to experience this game and nothing comes close to it.

For a indie game with a development team of 44 members, they cooked lmao. The combat is fluid and easy to learn but hard to master, the ost is every cyberpunk fans wet dream, and the story albeit a little confusing at times, still makes what you’re doing seem impactful and rewards you by going out of your way to search for it. Hopefully a sequel or another game comes out but only time will tell. 7/10.

WITHOUT A DOUBT ONE OF THE BEST GAMES I’VE EVER TOUCHED. seriously, this game is amazing. it improves on the original in such a faithful and honest way while still being a step forward for the persona franchise as a whole. i won’t even say anything else, go play it.

was goated back in 1997, still goated to this day.

Been waiting since remake dropped back in 2020, loved every second of that game and i’m glad we got a follow up so soon. So, about this game? It definitely has its ups and downs. Some of the open world exploration could’ve been better but they’re still somewhat new to this field so i’ll let it slide. Mini games are everywhere and A LOT of them are annoying and tedious. Other than those two gripes however i think this game is as close to perfection as it’s gonna get. I recommend highly to anyone who wants to try a goty contender this year.

Nothing much to say right now as the game is in early access but i am liking what they’re cooking so far.

You can play as da bear and da panda what more can you want

If i had to choose my favorite “soulsborne” game it would have to be this one. First things first, the environment and atmosphere is on a whole other level. Combat is pretty refined and has a cool emphasis on aggression which i think is good for the series. Still need to play Old Hunters but Bloodborne is a 10/10 experience.

Fire Emblem Three Houses is special to me.

It’s my first FE game and after having loads of people telling me to start it i finally caved and wasn’t expecting much.

Then i couldn’t put it down, i wanted my students to succeed and i wanted to succeed as a teacher.

I’m gonna leave it at that

(Hilda best girl don’t @ me)


Being a PSP game this thing has a lot of stuff going wrong and right with it. Combat encounters have a silly rate of happening, the story is iffy in some parts, and man i hate genesis.

But with the bad, there’s always good. The OST, characters and story kept me gripped and i swear Zack has to be one of the best FF characters.

Overall 7/10, pick it up on sale if you can

The best Souls game by far and the most polished. They put their heart, sweat, and tears into building up their series and this feels like a perfect culmination of all the games in one. 10/10

"Where'd everyone go? Bingo?"

Cried a couple times while playing this, nothing truly comes close to the emotion you feel from this game.