Reviews from

in the past

Ubisoft made a good game ? Wtf

Um jogo bem autoral e q se permite em tudo, com destaque a trilha sonora e ao humor, pontos q gostei bastante. O combate é bem +/- já que o foco é puzzle e exploração das fases, alternando entre si, não deixando o jogo maçante.
No final é simplesmente o jogo com conspiração alien e base escondida na Lua, muito bom.

Disfrute muchísimo con este videojuego y su premicia y jugabilidad tan única. Es muy corto, pero no busca extenderse innecesariamente y logra ser extremadamente único. Quizá su único punto bajo es su extremadamente baja dificultad en todo los aspectos, saque el 100% de los logros con apenas esfuerzo, pero dependiendo de a quien le preguntes, es hasta algo a favor. Es muy recomendable y una experiencia divertida de inicio a fin.

This was a nice game. Nothing groundbreaking, mechanically or story-wise, but just nice all around. That's pretty much the mantra for the major gameplay elements of this game; the platforming, stealth, driving, and puzzle-solving. All simplistic by itself, but a decent package overall. Story was pretty good here, specifically the setting, premise, and characters. Even with the stiff voice-acting, I really liked Jade. We should have more down-to-earth, likeable protags like her in games.

What a game!!! Great story, vas world-building, the OST is a vibe and a fun cast with varied personalities.

My only complaint is the control mechanics that will drive you nuts, especially the camera. Apart from that this is an Underrated game that maybe new-generation gamers will miss out on (HUGE miss, cuz is freaking good).

I have to say I feel kinda bad talking about this game, because I earnestly wanted to like it. It's known as a bit of a cult classic in gaming circles, so much so that, a few years back, Ubi announced a sequel/prequel. Which has been in radio silence for a while. Anyway.

BG&E does feel like a complete package, at first glance. Female protagonist, original mechanics, an unusual setting... The thing is, the definition of "classic" definitely does not apply to it. This is a game that needed more than an HD remaster, it needed an actual remake to fix its technical issues.

The camera is the biggest offender. It is god-awful. It sways all over the place to the point of causing actual motion sickness, and it almost always forces an inadequate perspective on the scene, such as too close to your character or staring at the floor. There's a case to be made for the necessity of reviewing the entirety of the control scheme, but the camera by itself is the cause of so many silly deaths, it makes the game a frustrating experience.

With actual effort put into updating it to modern standards, BG&E could shine, but as it is, it's a clunky game, hard to convince people to play. And seeing the state of BG&E2's development and how Ubi is looking to crowdsource parts of it... well, it doesn't seem like the original has much of a chance of being looked at again.

“Safe and Sound in its Shell, the precious pearl is the slave of the currents.”

Loved this game a lot. It has such a unique vibe and it really has that 6th generation charm. Too bad that it crashed on my Series X and I lost 3 hours of progress, but I had no problem redoing that because I was enjoying myself so much. It's a simple game with a lot of heart and I see why it's a cult classic.

A ideia principal é encarnar uma jornalista investigativa em um mundo fantástico, sob influência de alienígenas, e coletar provas da presença e das atividades maléficas dos invasores, para gerar uma revolta popular e salvar o planeta. Um misto de stealth, ação, puzzle e adventure tornam essa obra com forte traço autoral de Michel Ancel um clássico de sua época.

I remember just wishing it was longer when I finished it.

Beyond Good & Evil 2 nunca vai existir porque não precisa existir. E porque os caras que tão lá claramente não querem fazer Beyond Good & Evil 2 de fato, mas isso é só um detalhe.

When I played this on 360, I understood what all of the hype was about. This game was dope.

Experience of a lifetime, there's beauty on how ephemeral it is. It even affects the gameplay. You gotta play it to get what I mean

This is basically Zelda + Pokemon Snap and I had no idea until I played it.

It's so much fun and I absolutely adore the world they built here. Highly recommend.

While this game's writing seemed pretty good, the gameplay parts of this game bored me without exception, and I fell off pretty early. I found the stealth tedious, and I got lost and confused navigating the world. Combat wasn't great either. While the writing seemed pretty good, I just couldn't get that enthusiastic about actually playing it.


Meio ambicioso para sua época (e mandou bem até), o combate não envelheceu nada bem mas não é nada injogavel, e é impressionante a diferença da antiga Ubisoft para a atual. Enfim, jogão.

[Breve análise]

É simplesmente genial como a mecânica de tirar fotos influencia na economia do jogo e agrega no contexto da história, que inclusive, é excelente. O combate é bem limitado e o stealth envelheceu muito mal (especificamente a câmera durante o stealth, é terrível). Esse é um dos jogos mais dignos de um remake atualmente, não sei o que estão esperando.


Mostra toda brilhantina da era Ubisoft. Os personagens são MUITO carismáticos, é um jogo divertidíssimo ainda mais se botarmos que a personagem principal é uma jornalista, e toda trama é em volta disso.
Pensando que é um jogo de PS2 de mundo aberto, veículos, combate aéreo e Stealth, o simples combate corporal passa batido.
CLÁSSICO e super jogável até hoje

another gem from another generation - a super likeable cast of characters, interesting world and fun gameplay loop help ground the pretty wacky ‘end of the world’ story. bonus points for some killer soundtrack highlights

Had hell of a hard time surviving the final battle with just one heart and no healing items. Still love this game!

The 4 or so hours I played was kinda good but wow is this game overrated beyond belief. I might return to it but eh probably not.

Review in progress:
Pretty average. The Zelda elements aren't very interesting.

This game has so much personality and charm that its a crime I didn't play it until I got it free with gold.

i really admire how much personality is in this game, not to mention the soundtrack is just beautiful

Famous for underperforming on release, Beyond Good & Evil is one of Ubisoft's great cult classics. Set on the idyllic world of Hillys, we play as Jade, a photographer who finds herself wrapped up in a shadowy conspiracy as a cell of rebel journalists hires to sneak into the bases of the local military authority, the Alpha Sections, and uncover whatever links them to an invading alien race known as the DomZ. Part stealth, part action, part photography-simulator and part hovercraft driving, the game juggles a lot of hats at once, making it an ambitious title for the early 2000s, and this does mean it doesn't do anything brilliantly, but the powerful atmosphere and shining creativity on display carries Beyond Good & Evil in a beautiful way.

I like the world and characters, but not the gameplay. This game could use a proper remake rather than just a remaster.