Reviews from

in the past

A solid Link to the Past vamp. Does enough to set it apart, and the narrative of a Grandfather telling the story to his grandkids is really well done. The neatest little touch is when he lets the kids decide what happens next in the story, changing in-game events.

If it's on sale, I'd say pick it up! If ALttP is your favorite Zelda game, I'd say go right ahead at full price!

pretty simple little zelda like. the world is pretty fun to explore and the dungeons were has some good puzzles and ideas. its a game that does a lot right but doesn't really excel in anything. can definitely recommend it on sale

Blossom Tales is a competent but generally uninteresting take on the Zelda formula. The same beats you would expect are here, but they rarely feel satisfying.

The most interesting part might be overworld exploration, that while pretty simple can still be engaging, and there are a few side activities to explore that can add a bit of variety.

Dungeons are long linear streaks of singular room challenges that take the form of traversal trials, enemy encounters or a puzzle. This linear take removes any satisfaction of getting a new item as they are not really used to explore hidden corners you just passed and couldn't wait to explore.

While particularly not a bad game, the dungeon design greatly impacted my perception of the game, and I left it feeling mostly disappointed in the whole experience.

This is a really solid game inspired by 2D Zelda. Well worth the $4 I paid for it when it was on sale. Really love the framework of the narrator telling a bedtime story to their grandchildren. Also love the convenience of teleporting.

Joguinho charmoso mas que erra tanto em level design que me deixa realmente confuso com a quantidade de review positiva que eu vejo.

O overworld é gigante mas tão vazio. Metade dos mapas podia ser eliminado e compactado pra ter uma experiência mais concisa, você passa tanto tempo andando e matando os mesmos inimigos entre telas que não tem nada ou tem 1 ponto de interesse que mal tem valor.

As dungeons então, que que aconteceu ali, Jesus. Salas gigantescas com dezenas de inimigos e os mesmos puzzles chatos copicolados pra todo lado. Cheio de salas com pisos caindo e coisas tentando te acertar e se você cai num buraco sempre volta lá no começo da sala. Parece que o jogo ativamente se esforça pra ser o mais chato possível. E o pior é que ele nem consegue ser difícil porque ele joga na sua cara itens de reviver e poções. É só tudo extremamente inconveniente e irritante.

Tirando tudo isso, a coisa que eu menos entendo é porque caralhos eles decidiram usar 3 botões. O jogo saiu pra consoles modernos mas ainda tratam ele pior do que um jogo de GBA. Você tem 2 atalhos pra itens e 1 botão que é pra espada e interações. Então você quer quebrar potes mas sem querer pega eles na mão. Precisa trocar de itens constantemente mas precisa abrir o menu o tempo todo. A maior parte dos botões do controle são inúteis e poderiam ter sido usados para tornar o gameplay mais fluído. Esse tipo de "nostalgia forçada" é uma das coisas mais bestas que eu já vi.

Eu não gosto de fazer review negativo, principalmente de indie, porque fazer jogos é muito difícil. Eu esperava que esse jogo fosse um clonezinho honesto de Alttp mas eles se esforçam tanto pra errar numas coisas tão estúpidas que a impressão que dá é que ele é ruim de propósito. Infelizmente não recomendo.

Uninspirierter seelenloser Pixelmist aus der Hölle.
Die Steuerung ist mies, die Story ist mies, der Humor ist mies und der Soundtrack ist grauenvoll.

Im Prinzip wurde nur so viel von Zelda geklaut, dass Dreck übrig geblieben ist.

A bite sized 2D Zelda-like with more emphasis on combat than puzzles. Enjoyed the first 4 hours of the 8 hours it took me to complete this game, however halfway through you get bored of the extremely linear dungeons with the same 2 repetitive puzzles, of which are block pushing puzzles and tile stepping puzzles.

Combat is fluid and fun, but there's only so much you can do with combat in these types of games. I do commend the items which are very useful for combat and you won't only be relying on the sword.

The pixel art is nice however it lacks a certain charm and identity the 2D Zelda games have. With a little more budget and creativity, this game has the potential to be extremely solid, which is why I look forward to playing the sequel.

I recommend playing this only if you are craving more 2D Zelda.

TL;DR: Cute premise, lacking in gameplay.

The game is framed as a grandpa telling a bedtime story to his grandchildren. That's the best part of the game, you get a lot of silly dialogue when the kids butt in and argue something was too easy or whatever.

Gameplay-wise, it's rather...repetitive. It constantly reuses the same four or five puzzle types, and they don't ever get thought provoking enough for the repeating puzzles to be satisfying. Combat doesn't fare much better. Enemies die so quickly and easily that they often supplement harder enemies for DROVES of enemies absolutely filling the screen. Bosses provide a moderate challenge, but I'm fairly certain most of them are seizure-inducing. Items you acquire are almost exclusively combat-oriented, further trivializing the combat. I hardly ever used the sword at all once I got some of the midgame items.

got close to beating the game until I realized that if I wanted to play link to the past i could just open my 3ds

Blossom Tales is pretty good for what it is - clearly a Link to the Past-alike, and it pulls that off fairly well. My main issues with the game were the repetitive puzzle designs, and the straight-forward dungeons. There's a core of a good idea here, it just falls slightly flat.

A perfectly adequate 2D Zelda-like. Its probably bad that i can't really remember much about Blossom Tales, but if you are really needing to scratch a vaguely Link to the Past sized itch, this will do the job fine enough

+ a competent homage to classic 2D Zeldas
+ Lily is a memorable protagonist
+ colorful art style and impressive particle effects
+ a large overworld with lots of optional challenges
+ combat is snappy and satisfying
+ progress and pacing are swift and concise
+ difficulty curve is moderate enough
+ movement speed is quick enough
+ writing is quiant and flowery
+ meta-narrative elements offer surprising options...

- ...but sadly appear to rarely
- item management is a bit cumbersome
- most NPCs have nothing interesting to say
- health replenishment system is a bit wonky
- the general design doesn't evolve much from the Zelda formula
- very little post-game content

Magic Moment: Chosing what enemies to fight on the overworld for the first time.

Playtime: 9 hours with most of the map explored and 13 hearts collected.

Blossom Tales is a competently made homage to the classic 2D Zeldas. It emulates the combat, overworld design, and exploratory nature of its forbearers well, but offers little in terms of innovation. While the meta-narrative is a unique twist, the different routes offered in specific situations only rarely affect the gameplay. Still, the colorful art style and flowery writing help in giving the game a distinct identity, and anyone interested in re-exploring the concise, streamlined action adventures of the 16-bit era will find plenty to enjoy here.

Play it and then play the sequel.

Gave it a brief shot. Wasn’t feeling it. It started cute with the nod to The Princess Bride.

Zelda para quem não quer jogar zelda. Mas ele é bem bonitinho, tem itens interessantes, alguns puzzles. Mas não chega muito perto do material que ele tá referenciando.

This has to be the best 2D Zelda clone I have played to date! Loved the over-world, Loved the dudgeon and like the concept of a grandfather telling the story to his grandkids.
The amount of secrets lying around and the items are most handy.
I guess my concern is the music is fantastic and memorable, but has a short loop and repeats itself frequently.
The need for more was there at the end as the game takes about 11 hours to finish. An extra one or two dudgeons and some side quests would make this as good as a 2D Zelda itself! A minor gripe also is I wish the pixel art style was a little more detailed. Regardless, the game was great value also and hope a slightly more polished sequel is in the works for me to grab

Its always kind of interesting how the time frame of a game's release impacts its success. Blossom Tales was struggling on Steam during its initial 2017 release and the studio was likely to close. But the Switch was still in its infancy and starved for games. Blossom Tales's switch sales saved the indie team from disbanding.

The issue with Zelda-likes is that its hard to say the genre has really evolved past what Zelda has already done. Maybe that's a tall order for the indie scene, but its hard not to think of how Hollow Knight and similar titles evolved the Metroidvania genre to new heights beyond its source inspiration. And Blossom Tales' default state is "cute." It doesn't quite hit the emotional highs of Lenna's Inception or Anodyne. No character particularly sticks out and the framing device weakens the story rather than elevates it.

Still, the incredible polish in this game is worth noticing. The gameplay gradually ratchets up the difficulty without being unfair. It never feels like the game's design is poorly programmed. While the game is a bit too linear at times, the art design and overall layout is really impressive. It makes me excited to see what the team's second outing could look like. I want to see them grow and develop more as they hone their craft. Even if it isn't a lifechanging game, its created by a team that knows their strengths and commits hard to those talents. Sometimes, that's enough when you're just trying to spend a few easy hours.

Blossom Tales is a charming Zelda-like with a lot of personality. The framing device is a grandpa telling his kids a bedtime story, and his narrative pops in and out of the story throughout. Even better, the kids will argue about what happens in the story - what kind of boss are you about to run into? What kind of puzzle is up next? And rather than be cosmetic, we get to choose which kids' idea grandpa goes with in the story - which shapes what we do next. It's not transformational, but it's a really neat way to integrate the story into the gameplay.

This is, unfortunately, one of the only really original ideas in the game. If you've played a 2D Zelda (or even another Zelda-like), then all of this will be familiar. Get four heart pieces to add a heart to the health meter; park bombs on cracked walls to break them open; get the bow and arrow for range combat and dungeon puzzle solving. It's all very familiar, but done well and with a lovely art style.

Wanted to mention the music in particular as a standout - Josie Brechner's score is a superb chiptune accompaniment to the game, often richly atmospheric (the frost zone them is incredible) and always setting a great mood for the dungeons and areas.

With some more original ideas I think this would have been more interesting, but it's a solid little game regardless.

Zelda clone that will scratch your itch for a top-down Zelda experience. Nothing super special overall, although the humor and world is strong for an indie game. Generally enjoyable playthrough, 6/10.

Not a terrible Zelda clone, though it definitely falls short of its inspirations in just about every aspect without innovating. It's essentially a straight clone, and that is something that I appreciate because 2D Zelda is a fantastic archetype to emulate, but it mostly just reminded me that 2D Zelda is fantastic instead of leaving a remarkable impression. It controls a little worse, the puzzles aren't as well-designed, the story and humor are a little grating, and the music isn't anywhere close to as catchy as Zelda.

For me it doesn't live up to the expectations of TLOZ: ALTTP perhaps it's a bit on me for setting such expectation, you may enjoy this game, I really wanted to but couldn't.

A Zelda clone in which both artstyle and gameplay feels uninspired to say the least. While it has some fun bits, the endgame feels like a chore, especially regarding some light puzzles and platforming (?) sections that feel more tedious than challenging.

After beating the main story in about 5 hours, I didn't feel like exploring the rest of the world since I honestly don't believe it can offer that much more.

Very competent Zelda-like. Well-made in all regards.

Castle Pixel hace juegos muy majos inspirandose fuertemente en sagas conocidas. Rex Rocket (que aprovecho para recomendar) se basaba en Metroid y ahora es el turnos de Blossom Tales para hacer una experiencia similar a Zelda.

El juego tiene mimo pero se nota que es un juego más pequeño que el Zelda estandar. Aun así es bastante recomendable y me muero de ganas de jugar a Blossom Tales 2

Charming little Zelda clone that offers exactly that experience again, but with enough to offer at least a moderately unique experience that doesn't feel like just A Second Link to the Past, though that would probably have been fine too. If you agree that there aren't enough indie Zelda clones, you'll be happy with this one.

Special mention to one of the most clever and fun new little ideas I've seen in a while, and one of the dumbest.

Fun idea: the game is a story told by a grandpa to his kids, and the narration, from both gramps and kids, plays over the game and the kids even get to interrupt the story and change it at points, with the best such moments offering the player a choice of what happens next. Excellent idea!

Dumbest idea: the game has a traveling salesman that offers some forgettable loot, but that isn't the problem. No, the developers for some utterly baffling reason decided that his presence should be time-gated, locked to your device's clock, and he is only available between the hours of 9AM and 5PM. Really, 9-to-5? When 99% of your playerbase is at work? That is just remarkably stupid.

Hard to go wrong when you're trying to emulate the feel of a classic top-down Zelda title & you pull it off fairly well. I've always been a fan of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons in particular when it comes to that formula & Blossom Tales is essentially that with a touch of modern flair. Fun exploration, interesting dungeons, alright combat, cute pixel art ---- it's not bad overall. It's not perfect but succeeds in what it sets out to do.

The game is heavily inspired on The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past and it does a good job being its own thing but I have my complaints with it.

This games has lore and the main hub area (the castle) plus NPCs scattered across the world provide with lore to add to the liveliness of the world which is a really good thing.

The story is straightforward in order to let you play straightaway, nice.

My problem with the game is the movement and the controls scheme. The way the main characters moves around is somewhat sluggish and, when she swings the sword, it feels like she's slipping on the floor which make me feel uncomfortable when attacking. She feels unsteady and slippery which has made me take damage at times that annoy me.

In addition to the slipperiness, the way you can arrange the controls is nice as an option but it doesn't work for me because it becomes a mess. Why is the attack button the same button to interact with your environment and NPCs? It's a nitpicky thing, I must admit.

The dungeons are cool and long, no complaints in the slightest, plus they feel so rewarding to complete and the bosses are challenging.

The soundtracks is fine, I don't have much to say about it.

I didn't finish the game because I personally got tired of the controls and replaying it again later over time to catch up where I left it isn't in my plans.

It is a nice game for those who will not have problems such as mine. Enjoy your time with it! I did until I didn't.

Very cute Zelda-like game. It also plays around with the concept of the game being told as a bedtime story, though the best parts about that concept are only in about two parts in the beginning. Good for a playthrough.

Passable Zelda clone. It lacks oomph and polish.

I remember this game being talked about a fair bit back when it came out as a really good "Nindie" title on Switch that was a loving tribute to Legend of Zelda games from the LTTP-era. It's on sale for like 50% off for Nintendo's post-E3 sale right now, so I decided to pick it up. While a very competent game, I don't think Blossom Tales is really for someone like me who's beaten all the other 2D top-down Zelda games already. I hunted around for goodies as much as I could but still apparently missed quite a few (or at least a couple, if there aren't actually 2 complete rows of hearts), and it took me about 8.5 hours to beat. While I did enjoy my time with the game to a point, I'd be lying if I said I didn't regret buying it at least a little.

Blossom Tales' narrative conceit is that it's a grandpa telling a story to his grandchildren. The game is very much in the style of a LTTP or GBC Zelda game, and doesn't so much wear its inspiration on its sleeve as it has it tattooed on its forehead, as it even opens with the grandpa wanting to tell them the story of the little boy in green who saved a kingdom beginning with H-, but the kids have heard it so many times he has to think of another story. The humor is silly, but the narrative is fairly spread apart enough that it's not really a super big part of the game. You really rarely have to talk people if you don't want to, but the grandpa's asides explain further goals or introduce bosses. There are twice where the kids will actually argue about what the story will be (like what kind of enemy you're about to fight) and you, the player, get to pick which one of them is right, but it only happens twice, so it's not really a mechanic/gimmick the game takes much advantage of.

The dungeon design is super duper simple. Basically every dungeon of the four in the game are just a series of rooms, sometimes branching off of a main room, full of either corridors full of traps, self-contained puzzle rooms, or monster arenas, and you have to complete that to get to the next room. You'll eventually come across a switch that will unlock the way forward in the aforementioned main room. Rinse and repeat. There will be a mini-boss and eventually a boss in there somewhere, but all 4 dungeons in the game follow that same formula. Again, it's competently done and can be quite fun, but it's hard to get excited about after playing so many actual LoZ games that do this so much better.

The music is very heavily Zelda-inspired, one town in particular very clearly opening with the first few bars of Zelda's Lullaby (I'm sure other places do that too but I don't know Zelda songs well enough to tell :P ), but there wasn't anything particularly great other than the blacksmith theme you barely ever hear because you're in the blacksmith for maybe a total of 20 seconds in the whole game. I found the graphical style fairly ugly, to be honest. The monster design, particularly the boss design, is pretty good, but the world felt fairly generic (albeit nice looking) and the NPC characters and player character all had oddly simplistic design compared to the rest of the world and it just didn't look nice to me at all.

The combat and item use can be pretty annoying as well. Unlike the GBA or GBC Zelda games where you can slash with impunity and it's always the same slash, BT has a 3-step slash where first it's to the right, then the left, and then a roundhouse swing and there is a slight pause in the momentum of the swings. This combined with the often huge enemy hordes you're fighting actually makes the combat fairly frustrating, compared to LoZ, as you just can't help but get hit because you can't kill stuff fast enough (most enemies take 3 hits to kill). Trying to fight stuff with the sword was almost always more trouble than it was worth, especially because your sub-weapons are SO much better.

Your items like bombs, arrows, and boomerang (among others) all just use a constantly regenerating "energy" so you don't need to refill them at a shop ever, but they also do like 3-times as much damage at your sword, which basically makes the sword your last line of defense and something you basically never want to use. This is made pretty annoying at how you can't actually sort the sub-weapon menu in any way, but that's a very minor annoyance. The combat may be frustrating at times (particularly before you have very good sub-weapons), but the game is actually really easy. It's one of the easiest games in this style I've played. The damage you take is super forgiving, and on top of that the game just spits defense, healing, and revive items at you quite a lot.

Verdict: Hesitantly Recommended. Blossom Tales really isn't a bad game, but it was not the game for me. If you just like the exploration, dungeon trekking, and simple combat of Zelda, you'll probably quite like this game despite the fact that it ever really presents a challenge. If you wanted to get a non-gamer or a kid into Zelda games, this is a great first-step into the genre with how relatively easy it is compared to most Zelda games. If you're someone who loves 2D Zelda, has played them all, and is looking for a new interesting or challenging take on the formula, however, Blossom Tales will very likely leave you quite disappointed even at the sale price going on at the moment.


"Zelda" venido a menos pero bastante entretenido, lo bueno es que no se hace pesado porque no es muy largo, pero como clon de Zelda cumple bastante bien.