Reviews from

in the past

It's both similar and different to the Genesis version. Both follow the same plot and overall theming of the levels, but the mechanics, controls, bosses and level designs greatly differ. I would say that the music and sound design in the Master System version was a bit hit or miss. Makes sense since the Genesis one just has better sound and ost. The slippery controls were just as irksome as the slow and floaty controls of the Genesis if not more so at times, so sadly no improvement there. Having to use objects to throw around to use as a weapon, platform or for a puzzle was more fun than simply platforming like in the genesis. The bosses also feel well done but their ai were all over the place, so the Genesis bosses were a bit more balanced but less unique. The level designs were unique and great between each version but if I had to choose I very slightly preferred the levels in the Master System one. The Genesis levels feel more vibrant and pretty with many details and great design, but the Master System ones felt more explorative and expanded upon. Finally, the final boss was a bit different on both but I also liked the Master System's variant instead.

Sorry for the constant comparing, but I had just played this after beating the Genesis one so I couldn't help myself. Overall, both are amazing versions of the games, each with their small issues, but I feel like the Master System version slightly takes the cake on the one I liked the most.

Os jogos do Mickey são sempre lindo e este jogo é rico em detalhes. Certeza que era exigência da Disney: o jogo ser lindo.

The Genesis version still has that great Master System energy but with the clockwork-flat 16-bit design that I love more than the painterly World of Illusion. The weight of the jump and bounce attack is really satisfying, and the level design is smart and varied.

Amazing platformer, one of the best Disney on 16bits.
That being said, WHO TF PASSED THE GHOST HOUSE while being a kid ??

No suelo esperar mucho de personajes iconicos adaptados a videojuegos, pero mucho decían que la saga Ilussion por parte de SEGA estaba buena, y no se equivocaban. Estos de Mickey resultaron en unos plataformeros muy redondos y divertidos, y particularmente la versión de Megadrive es muy bonita visualmente. Muy fiel a una caricatura

Esse é um jogo ok, não é lá grande coisas mas a arte é muito bonita, a trilha sonora do jogo não é muito o forte dele, me pergunto porque ele foi tão querido ao ponto de receber um remake, jogarei ele mais pra frente, mas é um bom jogo.

Incredibly easy, but pretty superlative platformer with some quality sound and visuals. Simple and child-friendly, no real challenge but a well-made and jaunty Disney romp. Quite short with a couple of secret spots, but not much else.

After playing through Epic Mickey Power of Illusion on 3DS, I was curious to see what inspired it. I remember going onto the family computer when I was a kid and playing a rom of this on some retro gaming website, so the first level is ingrained into my head.

Castle of Illusion is a simple little Mickey platformer but unfortunately nothing for me to write home about. I think it's just okay by Genesis platformer standards, and full of color and life in each level. Gameplay overall is pretty slow, but it's a consistent slowness that makes it easier to plan jumps and such.

I beat this entire game in roughly 2 hours, and I found it to be pretty unforgiving at points. No shame, I abused the CRAP out of the Save States on this one. Can't imagine what it would be like if I had to start over

Not really in a rush to see what World of Illusion is about yet but I think it's great to have some Mickey Mouse games with some level of quality.

It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's a great example of a well done platformer that nails the controls, visuals and sound all in one nice package.

I have a childhood memory of it, even though I wasn't born around the time of release... the game is really cute and fun, despite being quite slow.

Clássico! Belo jogo. Algo que deveria ter sido feito para os jogos da Turma da Mônica. Muito divertido!

Castle of Illusion es un plataformero que lo hace bien en todos sus apartados, con una dificultad muy equilibrada. Podemos acabar con nuestros enemigos saltando encima de ellos (no todos) o lanzándoles manzanas (para Disney, en estos tiempos, el arma definitiva es la manzana) Esto último es interesante porque no son infinitas, las vamos recogiendo, y a veces es importante las manzanas que tengamos disponibles para superar partes mas fácilmente. Lo saltos son precisos, visualmente es genial, la música... Muy recomendable.

I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would! A fun platformer with creative levels and a great soundtrack that doesn’t outstay its welcome.

Very visually appealing, simple and effective 2d platformer. While fairly short, there is a reasonable amount of challenge and a fairly even quality, which can make it fun to replay.

El mundo más jodido de Kingdom Hearts.

This is a classic platformer that I had always wanted to play, but never had the chance until I got the Genesis Mini. I knew it had great animation and fun controls, and it did. While not long, every level has quite a few secrets to discover and unique gameplay and obstacles to tackle; it's fairly bursting with great ideas all the way through. The game feels joyful to play from the start, and keeps that all the way through.

It's an interesting snapshot of the lifespan of the Genesis. This seems like one of the earliest titles to really start to show the promise of the system, in a way a prelude of the incredible action games that came in the next few years. As is, Castle of Illusion is a solid hop and bop platformer with beautiful animation and music, coming right before the true greats hit the system.

Played on Genesis Mini.

Esperava mais pra um jogo considerado um "clássico". É bacana, mas a jogabilidade é muito basica e as duas ultimas fases parecem meio rushadas, fazem parecer que o jogo é incompleto, mas visualmente é bonitinho.