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in the past

This very much feels like a game where the idea came first and to be fair it's a fun idea, but the execution just isn't there. The mechanics are way too unclear and the progression is practically non existant as the items you can buy seem to just be for fun and don't seem to have any measurable effect on getting you more views. The film length is abysmally short and only having one camera available makes it absolutely pointless for your group to split up and explore.

We haven't gotten too far in, but this just feels like a really watered down Lethal Company in nearly every single aspect. The environments, while a cool idea, are so bland and boring that everything meshes together into a labyrinth of pure headaches. I'm sure it was on purpose, but it's not much fun to deal with when everything is so grey. In Lethal Company I can at least have fun exploring the depths of the mansion map or go to Embrion during eclipse for shits and giggles to keep things fresh, this doesn't really have anything to keep it from getting stale. One thing this does have over Lethal Company would be the emote system, which is something that the former desperately needs outside of modding at this point. I know I shouldn't be comparing this too much to Lethal Company, but I couldn't help but do so the entire time we played. Maybe it'll get better as we play more, if we do.

anyone with an UwU caption on their head is getting shot on sight

As part of Landfall Game's yearly April-Fools-Shadow-Drop-Game tradition comes a genuinely refreshing take on the "Coop-Horror-Quota" game! (trying not to just blatanly call it a "Lethal-Company-like" here) Embracing the horror and chaos by trying to film as much as possible of it with the camera while your squad acts and screams through the proximity voice works pretty damn well, especially since you get rewarded (if you make it out alive) with the recording of your spooky romp, with audio and everything. A goofy game that excels if you can b goofy wit tha homies.

The latest flavor of the month game that people will download and play with their friends for 45 minutes and then never touch again.

in real life i nobody. but in content warning , i mr beast .

if we get an onslaught of mediocre "lethal-company-likes" in the wake of that game's success, i'm going to be pissed - though i will say that i think content warning is worse than a cut-and-dry ripoff would be. a number of the developer's decisions actively confound me, such as including human fall flat movement physics... in a first-person game. why? for what reason? does this add anything other than a slight sense of detachment from my player character? content warning is yet another entry in the endless list of popular multiplayer games that needlessly combine trends to create gimmicky experiences with little-to-no replay value. you might laugh at it with your friends, but only because you'd laugh at anything this stupid with them.

oh, and we didn't end up laughing at it. we ended up fighting, because this game punishes you heavily for exploring. this makes the second refund on my steam account. at least the monsters were cute.

It's pretty cute i guess.

As much as I'd love to not mention it, it's impossible not to compare this game to Lethal Company. I feel like any game going forward that wants to try and recapture that Lethal Company appeal is going to have a hard time beating what Lethal Company already offers.

I think this game is way more chill than lethal company. Not that I'm ever a "try hard" when I play lethal with my friends, but this game incentivizes the silliness that tends to come with your average game of lethal. Both the games are dumb fun, but this game encourages you to be dumb. You are playing as a group of "Spooktubers" after all.

The camera mechanic is pretty cool, and is where most of the "chill factor" comes from in the game. Rather than hunting for junk like in lethal company, you're on the hunt for views on a clip show you make with an in game camera. This is where the magic of this game comes in, as one player can record up to ~2 minutes of footage with the in game camera. This leads to everyone being dumb on purpose, after all your best friend dying means more views right? It's a ton of fun finishing a dive into the "old world" and coming back up and watching the stupidity unfold in a sporadic retelling of your adventure.

The other chill factor in this game is the monsters. Compared to lethal company, the monsters in content warning are much less, well, "lethal". This is done purposefully since as I mentioned earlier the game wants you to be stupid. Where a lot of the comedy of lethal company comes from the instant-ness of death the monsters in that game cause, the comedy in content warning is seeing the monsters brutalize your friends, only for them to stand back up and walk it off.

There's a lot less pressure in this game than in Lethal Company, and in a lot of ways it works well. There's one treasure (the camera) and you're a lot more likely to all survive due to the inherently less hostile game design.

However, the game just doesn't have the depth Lethal company does. All the rewards in this game are mostly cosmetic, Expensive emotes, Party poppers, Silly microphones, etc. It plays into the gameplay loop well enough, your videos get "higher production" the longer you go. But they don't really effect how you interact with the world, unlike Lethal Company. In lethal you can get new tools that let you explore outside of facilities, or teleporters that can create clutch saves, or instant chaos. In Content Warning each loop is the same, even the location you dive to is picked for you and stays the same for the 3 day loop for each view quota. As it is now, I feel like I've seen most of what Content Warning has to offer. And it was a good time! But I don't think I could play this more than maybe one or two more times.

I got the game on launch when it was free for the day, and as a free game it's a 100% recommend. At $8 It's still pretty cheap, but I would only get it if your friends already have it or want to play it. However, if the game gets some updates, then I might change my tune! I do think it has room to grow and be a more "chill" alternative to the game play loop Lethal Company currently dominates.

Not a deep, polished, or even scary experience by any means but it has served as a great vehicle for goofing around with my friends so I have to give it some credit. From what I've gathered, the amount of fun you have with Content Warning is almost entirely dependent on the energy of those you play with; when everyone is willing to just let loose and lean into the hilarity of filming everything as a mockumentary of sorts then it's honestly a blast. I'll likely lose interest the moment that anyone starts taking this seriously and tries to metagame it but at the moment our discord feed is filled with 90-second creations that would be funny to absolutely no one outside of our friend group and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tipo de jogo que só funciona bem dependendo da galera que você esta jogando, pode ser chato pra caralho ou uma das experiências mais divertidas.

O Lethal Company que deu certo

eu ri tanto jogando essa porra desse jogo hoje que quase engasguei com minha propria saliva dito isso eh bom demais

From The creators of the best stickman game
I highly Recommend playing stickman fight

I didnt like lethal company , really wanted to give this one a try without being biased but this feels somehow worse than lethal company , trully a twitch streamers game

Gorgeous hub , i could stand there for hours and feel the breeze

haven't played much but you can make your face ":3"

- abra o jogo
- o jogo está aberto

This game has a lot of potential, but I feel like the initial concept works against it. It’s a bit more mean-spirited, where you kind of hope something horrible happens to everyone and it actually needs to in order to progress. It’s a concept that unfortunately rips away all of the scariness and hilarity that most people would probably be looking for. Aside from a well-timed spawn, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Unlike the other game that this one will be compared to until the end of time, there’s no chance of organic comedy coming from your friends who are avoiding danger rather than looking for it. The point here is to hope that something kills everyone and that the camera man isn’t dicking around somewhere else while it’s happening.

I played the game for about 2 hours and feel like I’ve already experienced everything it has to offer. The upgrades it sells you are mostly cosmetic and the amount of views you get per video seem completely arbitrary. You’ll have some rounds of gameplay where everyone dies in the first 5 seconds, leaving you with 60% of film left and others where barely anything happens at all. The environments don’t really give you that much to play with and there’s no reason to wander off because there’s only one camera. Every day ends with an awkward movie experience where everyone sits around looking at the unedited footage and maybe sometimes you’ll hear a light chuckle under someone’s breath. It’s nice that they offered it for free, but I probably won’t go back to this one until it gets some major updates.

My first instinct was to regard this as a “flawed, but promising” take on the game-night horror boom - but as the experience sat with me, Ive started to realize: I dont think this game has a soul. I dont believe that the game itself' believes in its concept. Much like its subject matter, this feels like a stunt. A toothy-grinning facade hoping to capture nothing but attention, like a decoy predator. A skinwalker, a doppelganger. A veneer. It almost tricked me, almost got in.

Which isnt to say the game is nefarious. What Im saying is, I dont think its… well-meant. Theres an obscured hollowness to it. A fakeness. Plastic, dressed to look warm but when you touch it all you feel is cold - and there is a low-level deceptiveness to that. Your nerves sense it, they fill you with distrust. I withhold my trust from it.

A new entry in the fun with-friends flavor of the week genre (e.g. Lethal Company). So far I love the concept of this game, where you get to roleplay being Logan Paul in a suicide forest.
It's basically an excuse to act stupid with mates and have laugh at the playback at the end.
Although you will quickly see all the game has to offer in a few hours so the novelty wears off fast.
It was a smart idea giving this for free for 24 hours because I don't think it's something I would buy or convince my friends to play if it wasn't free. Still had a good couple of laughs with it.

The Zoomer younger brother of Lethal Company.
Content Warning is absolutely fun but it’s length becomes very dependant on 2 things, knowledge of the games monsters and how funny your friends are. Thankfully I feel like my friends are relatively funny so we got about 4 and a half hours out of this, but I could very much imagine it being a lot shorter for others. With the added bonus of such a small price tag it’s not much of an arm twist to get people on board for an afternoon or 2. On the flip side however as Lethal Company is significantly more popular the modding community is very small in Content Warning so there isn’t much point shopping around online for new things to do.
My recommendation would be if you’ve plaid plenty of Lethal Company with your friends and need a new game to scratch that itch this might hold you over for a weekend at best.

"Guys! Is this the Snail Man!?" I say, as the jaws of a snail creature puncture into my body. "Guys, If we get 100,000 likes I'll challenge him to a boxing match!" echoes my voice, as my illuminated "uwu" face fades further into the darkness.

Sometime in 2023 a development team played Lethal Company and said, “I like this but I wish we could kind of just fuck around.” Such was the conception of Content Warning.

Very silly and fun with a group of friends. Not much deeper than that as far as I can tell.

A nice Lethal Company clone, but it felt a lot more boring than its spiritual predecessor, simply due to feeling far less scary, isolated and teamwork centric with even more repetitiveness than Lethal Company. The juxtaposing artstyle is very well done, and I see the vision of the developers but it really doesn't appeal to me in the same way since you don't really achieve anything besides the recordings that, as a trans woman with vocal dysphoria, I don't like listening back on the recordings, wasting the main element of the game for me.
Definitely worth a shot when (hopefully) more updates roll in giving players more to do but I would recommend playing with multiple people, since going duo or solo feels extremely boring.

lethal company if it was really boring

A very silly novelty that kind of wears thin after an hour or so. The comparisons to Lethal Company are obvious, but I think the true appeal is actually more in line with a Jackbox game. A lot of the fun and entertainment will come from how much your friends can improv and make up goofy shit on the fly even in the face of direct danger, which is a very different appeal from Lethal Company’s more trial and error goal focused rogue-lite appeal. Content Warning’s peak of comedy comes from the end result of your misadventures in that Jackbox fashion, getting a conclusion that everybody gets to laugh about and share on a Discord server to be forever memorialized, whereas Lethal Company is more laughing at your friends’ misery and terror as an onlooker who just suffered the same fate moments ago.

My problem with Content Warning is more just the longevity of it is clearly a lot shorter than its inspirations. The later game upgrades and unlockables don’t have enough of an appeal to keep pushing on for the money that nets you them, even if it is nice that the money economy is a lot more forgiving on player deaths and screwups. Content Warning feels like recording a haunted house with your friends, while Lethal Company feels like walking into the IKEA SCP with your friends and making the best of a bad situation. Different appeals and goals, but one of them has more of a lasting impression than the other does.

a mere 10 minutes later
"oh my god guys, luke was killed... can we please get 10,000 likes for luke?"

Here come the Lethal Company spinoffs!

To be fair though, this game has a pretty compelling hook! Forcing you to literally confront the monsters within for views makes this potentially scarier than Lethal Company, and the videos are HILARIOUS to watch afterwards! The bugs need a lot of work before people start having to pay for this, though.

In a similar vein to Lethal Company, you and up to three friends journey into a washed-out, dark facility. The gimmick here though is instead of scrounging for loot while avoiding monsters, you have a camera and have to record up to 90 seconds of footage of things you see or do down there, and then haul ass back to the pod. If you manage to bring back the footage, you will upload it to Spooktube to try and reach viewer milestones every 3 days. Views lead to cash to buy items, and better items lead to better views.

You also can save the footage to your desktop if you like what you've recorded. It's a decent gameplay loop and makes for some good laughs, just a bit lacking in environment variety as it is not randomly generated like Lethal Company. Still, it was good fun for a few hours so I would recommend trying it at least once if you can grab it for cheap (or did when it was free!).

It's an okay game that has a HUGE amount of potential. Ultimately, I'm glad I grabbed this while it was free since I'd probably feel a bit disappointed if I paid for it

Essentially, it's Lethal Company but you're Youtubers, so the enjoyment of the game largely comes down to you and your friends being funny, which is fine, these types of games can be great! I like that you're forced to confront the monsters to do good, instead of always running away, even if a lot of them just kinda stun lock or instakill you

My main issues are:

- The Ragdoll physics add a ton of comedy but the way your camera view wobbles a bunch for just turning your mouse or moving slightly is kinda unpleasant/nauseating
- The camera doesn't have a whole lot of battery with seemingly no way to upgrade it, but I get you wanna keep the videos short
- The dungeons you go into are pretty bland, with the same texture usually laid over everything. They're also super huge, which kinda makes me miss Lethal Company's incentive to search for items. Generally monsters appear without a whole lot of warning too, so it's a lot of stumbling around an empty environment until sudden jumpscare noise
- Voice chat is generally pretty quiet. Promixity chat is one of the best parts about these types of games but in CW, you basically need to all be on top of each other to hear and even then, it can still not be enough. This is especially noticable when you play back the videos you make, where a lot of the funny jokes you made can barely be heard

That being said, I think this game is a few updates away from potentially being super amazing. The ideas and core gameplay loop are fantastic

Worse lethal company. In concept this game is fun. In practice it is also fun...for about an hour or two. This game is as entertaining as the group playing it. Actually going on the drop to the old world played second fiddle to whatever manic shit my friends were cooking up in their video. Realizing that he spent the first 60 percent of the footage posing next to backdrops in the starting zone before immediately cutting to us screaming and dying will forever be a massive plus in this games favour.

Logan Paul and Jaystation simulator