Reviews from

in the past

Tall Glass of Water Game Design
Cool Summer Breeze Game Design
Crisp Floral Print Shirt Game Design
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Taking Off Your Socks After A Long Day of Work Game Design
Freshly Peeled Orange Game Design
Riding a Bike Downhill Game Design
Popping the Perfect Number of Ice Cubes Out Of The Tray With A Single Twist Game Design
Seeing Your Favorite Movie In An Air Conditioned Theater During A Heatwave Game Design
A Dump So Big You Feel Hungry After Game Design

" Maradona playing a car game, call it Gaytona " - Squigglydot

Perhaps THE arcade racing game of this time or any other, Daytona USA may seem light on tracks and cars but where the game will surprise you is just how little dated the feeling of racing those cars really is.

Whenever I lap the beginner course I have to stare at Sonic’s massive fucking head for 5 seconds and it freaks me out

Also DAYTONAAA slaps

amazing audiovisually and the driving is fun but as of right now i am simply not good at this and pretty clueless about what to do. in the event that i end up getting good i can see the score rising, though. looks like the type of game that would feel absolutely amazing if you're good at it

this one is definitely more of a time investment to get good at than ridge racer, as drifting is a lot more meticulous than that games simplistic control style thanks to it being manually gear-shifty-based. It makes this game definitely harder to get into because at first the car feels really stiff and unresponsive, but the more you play it the more you can get out of it as you slowly figure out what makes the car tick. That kind of depth is what all arcade games strive for, and this game has it in spades. Also the OST is legendary. DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Great racer in the arcades with a simple, tried-and-true gameplay formula. That charming Sega-style music and UI/UX helps a ton.

Really don't like playing the home versions tho. This game feels like garbage on a controller. You really need a steering wheel to get your best mileage with this.

Daytona USA is probably one of the most important games of all time, it was a pioneer of 60fps gameplay in the 3D space, it was also one of the first games to use texture filtering. While all of the tech behind is neat the important thing is the game is still quite fun in of itself. While the content within the game itself is quite limited it is still fun to learn the car and truly master the courses within the game.

The Saturn port is rough as hell, but I still somehow find enjoyment out of its 15 fps gameplay and constant pop-in.

The arranged soundtrack is probably the reason why.

The king of drift in the arcades.

u want a review heres ur fuckin review

I stare at that am2 logo and see a better life.

I wanna flyy sky high~ let's gooo together~

When I was making my Look & Listen list for the Look & Listen survey thing, I felt I needed to put a racing or sports game. Just like Atari games they deserve representation too, but for some reason my mind went straight to Daytona USA. I could've repped car combat with Twisted Metal 2 or something, but instead in went DAYTOOOOONAAAAAA!!! Now I know what you're thinking, "Vee, you are the biggest idiot on the planet Earth! Everyone else is putting real entries and you're over here wasting your spots on a stock car racing game!" That's fine! I too thought I was a nincompoop for leaving off Off-Road Challenge, but clearly something had to be clicking for me to use this...

I remember being mostly unimpressed by 3D racers for a while when I was but a wee guppy, the likes of Hard Drivin' just made me laugh and Stunt Race FX while cute felt less fun to me than something like Biker Mice From Mars on the same system. Will 3D ever catch up to the likes of only two dimensions? It only took one step forward in the console generation for me, as unfortunately I was a bit small at the time to make use of the racing cabinets in the arcades at the time. What was I missing?! Someone gimme a hand with the pedals at least! Stop kicking my ass at X-Men Children of the Atom! I don't even know the moves!

My dad eventually came home randomly with a Sega Saturn and copies of Daytona, Virtua Fighter 2, and Virtua Cop. I assume he used me as an excuse again to buy a new console, hence why he probably let me play first to convince my mom.

"Hey, you get dibs on first play! Pick something will ya!" (100% guesswork on the situation)

I chose vroom vroom car game of course! What else? Soon as you knew it I was taken aback by the 3D game that was running with an actual sense of speed! It even came with a free singer to serenade to my heart! The sight of seeing Sonic the Hedgehog's lazy pose carved into the side of a cliff while my mom cheered me on is forever ingrained into my mental capacity. There's a fine art to porting a real sport into the world of gaming where things are allowed to be even more hype, which gives us master class entries like NBA Street vol. 2 or WWE Smackdown Here Comes The Pain. It makes a world of difference when you get rid of the snazzy tunes and the dancing Jeffry McWild statue, which leaves nothing but what feels like a void of unhappeningness. No fun allowed!!! Screw you, gimme my fun back!

"'re talking about the terrible Saturn port!"

B-b-but get over it! I'm never more happier than when I play this shoddy port!

G! A! M! E! O! Voo! E! R!

bitches will run over curbs in they 2006 honda civic and be like "Try To Go Easy On The Car"


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🀠 yer time has been extended!

Daytona USA might lack the best handling, content or track design, but it more than makes up for it in classic Sega charm. From the attract screen to the game over jingle, every ounce of the game's presentation and mood is memorable. Befitting its accessible and friendly 'hanging out with the bros at the bowling alley arcade' nature, it's pure 90s motorsport pop art in video game form - there is quite few like it.

Your first powerslide in Daytona USA is something to remember because no other racing game has handling this good for arcade style racers.

the later tracks are borderline unplayable on a controller but the first one is godlike and the music slaps

couldn't play much of this game due to my Saturn emulator kept on crashing, but what I played was pretty great.

Only sega arcade games could make me interested in fishing and NASCARS

This game should be ported to every system. It's reqired

Do-da do-da do-do-do-do do-do-do


Daytona! Let's go away


Daytona! Let's go away


Weh, hey, hee, weh, hey hee

Weh, hey, hee, weh

Daytona! Let's go away


Daytona! Let's go away


Weh, hey, hee, weh, hey hee

Weh, hey, hee, weh




Daytona! Let's go away


Daytona! Let's go away


Weh, hey, hee, weh, hey hee

Weh, hey, hee, weh

Daytona! Let's go away


Daytona! Let's go away


Weh, hey, hee, weh, hey hee

Weh, hey, hee, weh




Daytona! Let's go away


Daytona! Let's go away


Weh, hey, hee, weh, hey hee

Weh, hey, hee, weh



This is one of the best arcade racing games in history but the PC port is just ok.. huge loss in detail and performance, though there are exclusive modes like Grand Prix and Endurance with longer tracks, difficulty customization and other options.

One of the most representative Sega arcade games of its time. Controls are a bit on the stiff side and requires some getting used to but overall it's a fun arcade racer.

Saturn version is terrible. It might just be me who's terrible at racing games or it's the game.

One of my favorite racing games

Racing can’t get cooler than this game.