Reviews from

in the past

Stasis? Great. PvP with stasis? Awful. DSC? Great. All the other content? Awful. New weapons? Alright. Old weapons? Massacred. All in all? A headache.

this expansion paired with season of the hunt stopped me playing destiny for months and potentially would have stopped me forever if season of the chosen and the subsequent seasons didn't fuck as hard as they did

the seasonal model is booty butt cheeks but the raid was fun

Stasis was a unique addition to D2 and the story was just alright, the content and post launch additions surrounding this expac were pretty solid though.

Some great high points are held back by widespread mediocrity. I had more fun playing through this than Shadowkeep. I think the lore-ish parts of this story are quite good, and the villain has some excellent moments accompanying what should be a good angle for a story. Level design is sublime, gameplay is fantastic per the usual and the stasis subclass is a fun twist. Still, it’s a travesty that the story is primarily told through the terribly unappealing Variks, and Europa feels more than a bit barren compared to other locations. It gets most of the endgame elements right, but the campaign itself comes off as a bit lackluster for the most part.

As usual I don't understand any single thing happening in the plot but Stasis is a fabulous subclass and the amount of incredible vistas this game creates per mission is astounding.

Underwhelming and fully upgrading stasis was the most grueling Destiny 2 has been

Was excited to get the stasis power, turns out its locked behind an entire story and sidequests. Extremely disappointed by that, but what's worse is that most bosses end up loosing their difficulty halfway though the fight. At key points during the fight, you become infused with stasis and becoming so OP that they just crumble. Story was okay, maybe a bit better than shadowkeep, but the gameplay was really disappointing.

Find it a bit funny that you still need to do all the extra sidequests to fully unlock stasis, but yknow still pretty great. Love snowy icy settings, love bug dudes throwing dark magic and also some really nice environments and details.

Stasis was kinda cool, but I also hate it for what it did to the pvp, the actual story was a forgettable fart, just random side quest with cinematics that explain the story time to time.

I’m a sucker for snowy maps ⛄️

Buena expansión para introducir Stasis (aka La Oscuridad, no confundir con el grupo The Darkness) como poder tochísimo. La historia es lo bastante interesante como para molar por encima de la de Shadowkeep aunque aquella resonara de una forma más personal en mí. Europa es un mundo bellísimo si bien un tanto vacío a ratos, pero con las actividades suficientes como para no aburrir. Mola descubrir el lore de las Bray y al cabronías de su abuelo, la quest exótica para Banshee-44, volver a finiquitar hordas de Vex en los dos macroportales interdimensional que se han montado...

El problema es que tanto el lado de los Eliksni como la reacción de la Vanguardia ante tus nuevos poderes se sienten muy acelerados. Los primeros no gozan de una profundidad más allá de que un grupo es muy malo y Variks es un buenazo. De hecho el momento en que este EXPLOTA en un punto clave de la campaña es uno de los pocos en que te vienes arriba con él y por desgracia eso es un poco lo que hay. Y en fin, que la reacción de Zavala a que uses Oscuridad sea ''Hm, esta movida no sé yo... Bueno, dale pero no me gusta, ¿eh?''... En fin, que no sé hasta que punto el Covid desgraciadamente les quitó tiempo pero ojalá hubiera durado más.

De nuevo en el momento de escribir esto, no he jugado a la raid que trae por el momento ni he prestado demasiada atención a farmear cosas para los botines de Variks ni para los aspectos oscuros de Elsie Bray. Ya volveré a Europa algún día de estos, pero no salgo descontenta de esta expansión. Es MUY buena en varios aspectos aunque la mitad de la historia mereciera más profundidad que sí gozan les Bray con mucho gusto, el descubrimiento de un presente que puede ser el conducto a un futuro que no termine en desastre. El tiempo lo dirá en Destiny.


Man we deleted 60% of the game for this?

Beyond Light was...okay, but the loss of a fuckton of content made the experience really sour. Beginning of the end to the Light v Darkness , does a meh job at setting up future events

Decent fun but it just feels like typical Destiny 2. The new subclass is very cool, though.

An okay expansion storywise, but introduced a whole new subclass to the game, and dramatically changed the face of buildcrafting.

mis amigos y yo nos hicimos a eramis sin disparar una sola bala

pretty fun expansion, losing half the game sucked though. stasis rocked on launch even if it was a bit too strong. sunsetting was one of the worst ideas bungie ever came up with at the time but the rest of the year starting with season of the chosen is/was peak destiny season.

Stasis was an absolute joy at release and set an immesurable amount of things into motion for the rest of the franchise. Story was a bit lacking, however

although the story was more cohesive than Lightfall it wasnt any more interesting for me.

It’s peak. This expansion locked me in for Destinys future and I’m still here enjoying it

Só não leva 1 estrela pela Deep Stone Crypt.
Que desilusão eles voltarem a cometer o mesmo erro do lançamento e tiraarem quase todo o conteudo que o jogo ja tinha, percebo que foi por problemas de espaço mas não deixa de ser um tiro no pé.

I got one week before The final shape comes out and still two expansions to play through plz send help