Reviews from

in the past

Visuals and theming are amazing. The Tim Burton artstyle really adds a lot to the experience of being trapped in the brutal wilderness full of monsters and terror. I especially love the occasional cartoony moments that defuse the tension a bit.

The gameplay, though, leaves a lot to be desired. Don't Starve pays lip service to "roguelite" but every run feels pretty similar once you know what you're doing. There's a definite meta and progression chain with no variation. If you don't know what you're doing, you'll be stumbling into noob traps and hitting your head against the wall until you look up a guide.

not as good as together but still good

I could never get past the first fucking dog raid, but I liked the game's depth and I wish I could have explored more of it. if only those dogs didn't ruin everything and I wasn't too young to think of a good counter to them.

i've played this game so much and yet I hold incredibly mixed feelings on it.

I have no idea why this game has never worked for me, it's not bad but for some reason i don't really like it.

i want to play this video game but i keep getting me ass beat by shadows

At some point, I was so indulged into the game that I made it harder for myself since I had to check my in-game as well as my real-life hunger meter...

Great survival game but It can annoy me at times, especially as someone who started with dst this game feels off to play, I still like it but dst is superior

A lovely little survival game. Very punishing with its difficulty, but rewarding as you figure out the systems. My main gripe with the game is that there is a lot of depth in mechanics but not as much with base creation as I'd like. sort of simplifies my favorite part of survival. Would be better multiplayer ;)

Surviving the horrors this game throws at you is one of the best feelings out there. Every time I think back to the most fun moments I had in this game, it was definitely overcoming all odds and barely surviving to live another day.
The base game experience is fine, but the DLC Reign of Giants makes it much deeper and interesting to play, and I highly recommend enabling it for your first run.
Shipwrecked is an entirely different beast, practically a whole new game. It is absolutely stellar and I loved every second of playing it. The greatest shame is that Shipwrecked is single-player only, whereas everything else isn't.

There's also the Hamlet DLC, which kind of sucked. It removed the struggle to survive by adding a town where you can trade stuff. Need food? Just buy it. Need warm clothing? Just buy it.
It removed a lot of the survival aspect of the game and really soured the experience.

I am not qualified to rate Don't Starve Together, despite having around 200 hours in it. That game is evolving into something else every single time I look at it, though I imagine it's very fun. And probably still free, so try it!

my favorite klei game. i beta tested for hamlet! :D (im bad at it)

Fun game! Unfortunately, I have anxiety and am bad at it.

Survival's finest, I'm afraid

six years later and i still suck at it... the game is really fun though once you get at least one dlc coming back to the base game is impossible. i come back to it every now and then to get my ass kicked and it owns.

i like it just like i like minecraft

potentially the only good thing to come out of the open-world-survival-craft period that wasn't a factory sim (i.e. modded minecraft clone).

I had fun with it but got frustrated with constantly starting over. One day I'll return and put my all into it.

Looks pretty but I can't get into this genre.

im trying hard not to bro its really hard

Ainda me incomoda o fato de poder ter conhecido esse game há muito mais tempo, o fato de ainda ter muito o que nele explorar trouxe algo que não mais sinto como outros jogos de sobrevivência.

That girl with the lighter is good as helllllllll at getting me kicked from multiplayer games cuz I keep lighting stuff on fire

Good aesthetic. Can't dope out game, but good.

I played Don't Starve Together first but bought this after.

Don't Starve is honestly one of the most important games to me, artistically speaking anyway, because if affected how I draw things and how my art style looks.

It's also probably one of the best survival crafting games imo despite the genre bloating the indie game space and this mainly has to do with its presentation with how it's played, its aesthetic, its animations and the soundtrack. It's also full of loveable and charming characters (that sadly get flanderized in DST, mainly Wilson). DST might have more features and content but what this game has are about... 3 full expansions that feature new worlds to survive on and explore and being able to travel between the different DLC worlds through a machine you find in the world you spawn in.

Despite the game seemingly being abandoned by Klei Entertainment in favour for DST they recently came out with HUGE QoL updates to the game and its expansions that fixes a lot of the issues I had with it.

I think if you want a GOOD survival game, play this because it's great.

i like to relax by playing this game

Full disclosure, I am absolutely terrible at this game. But it's such a fun time waster.

Tudo nesse jogo é bom, o estilo de arte principalmente é muito bonitinho, a unica coisa que deixa um pouco meh é em relação do jogo ser separado multiplayer de singleplayer, sendo necessario assim comprar os 2 jogos separados(sendo q na teoria é o msm jogo por isso não faz sentido).