Reviews from

in the past

Awww, it ends right in the middle of the rising action.
I need more games in this genre, now.

After really enjoying the impact of the Black Axe in Amid Evil, I needed a more fleshed out First Person Melee action romp to enjoy, and this is exactly that. It even has comparable visual tone to boot. I was worried the aesthetic might end up too boring judging by the cover, but I really ended up digging the environments, and Jurmun Soldier designs especially.
The completionist tumor that has a hold of me compelled me to play this on its titular difficulty while attempting, and succeeding at, the Level-0 challenge run. It was overall quite good, though the bosses and tower priests were utter bastards to deal with as a result.

One standout feature I wish more games would implement is the option to actually choose which part of the OST is playing as your backing track, overwriting what would play normally if you'd rather here something different.

Besides its abrupt ending, the only issues I spied were enemies occasionally getting stuck on geometry and breaking aggro, or particle effects bugging out and persisting past when they should have expired if they went off while I died.

Regarding combat; there were so many great moments were I'd be able to fling enemies off ledges with heavy attacks, have to whip around while an attack animation was beginning in order to catch assassins who had just teleported in behind me, and engage in carefully considered footwork and positioning to deal with more dangerous encounters. Light attack, Heavy attack, dash, parry or block, kick, that's it. The lack of I-frames necessitate high situational and spatial awareness, along with good timing, in order to successfully engage with groups of enemies. Otherwise you just end up rather mindlessly whacking them off one by one by abusing their poor LOS and rudimentary pathfinding. Casual players who aren't interested in challenge runs or achievement hunting will likely be disappointed.

This thing goes on sale for a few bucks and is more than worth it. As in, it's currently on sale for $3 and I'd very much like it if these devs could receive a cash injection via volume sales and flood of requests for a sequel that I'm confident they very much want to make.

Short as hell but more than enough time to enjoy the game's combat, great weapons, and interesting album cover world.

Wasn't into the juvenile humour or the weird quasi-fantasy setting but the fundamentals are done pretty well here. Swinging around a big hammer feels nice and there's a decent rate of progression weapon wise. Gains half a star just on the fact there's a dedicated kick button.

Surprisingly fun indie first person melee game. Reminds me of Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, which is a good thing as that is a type of game I want to see more often.
Elderborn was more fun than I anticipated. Even the story is somewhat interesting (although the video compression artifacts are hilariously bad during cutscenes). The combat is fast and fun but not too deep. I wish the gore/dismemberment were more fleshed out though. Overall a fun short action game with some minor design flaws.

Es un juego que está entretenido y mantiene el ritmo en todo momento con bastante tipos de enemigos y localizaciones. No os va a cambiar la vida, pero si os apetece coger una serie de armas cuerpo a cuerpo e ir avanzando por lugares llenos de monstruos, probablemente haya pocos juegos que os recomiende tanto como este. Es como una hamburguesa guarra a las 3 de la mañana. No es la mejor hamburguesa que has comido ni siquiera ese mes, pero madre mía como entra.

A fun but short Boomer game with quick and enjoyable movement and combat. Take a few Michael Moorcock short stories and combine them with a few Robert E. Howard short stories (especially Conan's) then you have the setting for this game. The ending did leave a bit to be desired and is begging for a sequel, but I feel I had fun.

Why does it ruin the fun combat by making me be lost and spending most of my time running around in circles to see where I need to go :c

Rough but enjoyable combat in a game with annoying enemy designs and an incredibly underwhelming ending. Horridly short too.

Refreshing indie hack n slash worth your money.

FP melee based game, pretty good.

I didn’t encounter anything extraordinary, but I didn’t encounter anything bad during the game (there is a problem with the difficulty of the game, but we’ll chalk it up to my crooked hands). It's too bad that the ending of the game just = "nothing"

Ничего сверхвыдающегося, но и плохого за игру не встретил(есть проблема со сложностью игры, но спишем на мои кривые руки). Очень плохо, что концовка игры просто = "ничего"

Elderborn is like if you took Dark Messiah if it was made after Dark Souls came out. The weapons feel kind of sluggish at first, but thats just something you have to adjust to; afterwards they can feel great. Its just kind of a viscerally satisfying game if you like melee combat.

The world is pretty cool i think.

The game does feel way too short for me though. There are 2 pretty big levels you go through, and then the last chapter is just a wave based fight with no final boss. It's a cool set piece to end on, but fuck was I wanting another level to explore.

half the weapons feel pointless to use when you get the hang of parrying and that in turn makes many enemies easy to kill. but just because that makes em easier to kill doesnt mean theyre not annoying to fight. lots of jumpy enemies that will slap the shit out of you and 2 of the 3 ranged enemies shoot fast and annoying projectiles. the combats janky but when it works it feels really fun. blue balls ending and mostly decent level design round the game up to being just alright but disappointly not as good as i would like it to be.

You can choose a female character on this game who gets a nice intro cutscene showing her sword prowess, a body that only multiple trenbolone cycles can create, and some nice pair of mammaries but after this, it's over, you get a first-person camera from the start to end.

Also, there are no female enemies in this game only skeletons and bloodied half-naked muscle men, so keep that in mind.

Fun as hell first person slasher, until it abruptly ends as it became clear time or money ran out.

Criminally underrated game. Loved the gameplay, atmosphere, and music. Would rate it higher but the third act is atrocious.

Kind of just a woefully generic rendition of a dark messiah clone with some souls-like influences. It's fun and has the right intentions, but it just can't help feeling cheap and janky. The first half has some quality level design though.

First level is cool. The game has very long levels I think. Gave up on the second level. It's huge and every bit of it is interchangeable, and I didn't know where to go or what the point was. Felt aimless, and frustrating. There was also some bullshit enemy placement. For example, a long narrow bridge with no choice but to just tank hits from a ranged enemy. The ranged enemies are all annoyingly accurate and fast firing. The combat is very repetitive too. Bit jank too.

If you're in the mood for a Souls-like this may scratch the itch, enemy variety is good, the soundtrack is rad, and countering enemies always feels cool as hell.
Aesthetics are mid though, and by god, the final boss is pure ass, why would you rip off Ornstein and Smough, why?

Immediately grabbed the game when I received the notif that it had become only 99 pesos on sale.

I was completely entrapped from what this small game had to offer. The closest thing I could compare it to was if Doom (2016) was placed in a Conan-esque setting. The combat is fluid and fast paced with a wealth of weapons that you can switch to on a moments notice so that you can adapt to any situation. Parrying is satisfying and gives you a short window of slowed down time to perform power attacks.

The level design, combat loop , weapon and enemy variety all contribute to giving the player of feeling like an unstoppable juggernaut ripping their way into Jurmum.

Can't say much about the setting, it's pretty standard sword and sorcery stuff with some aliens thrown in at the end. Can't complain. The game also looks like it came out on the 360/PS3 era. Not saying it looks bad but it can look a little dated at times.

Great Game! 👌👌👌👌

ELDERBORN is promoted as a "Metal AF slasher with brutal FPP melee combat" and let's be honest - nothing of that is true. I tried hard to like it but I had enough. There is no depth to any of the mechanics.

I'm confused by the many reviews claiming that the gameplay is "fluid and fun" because all I could find was slow, clunky and boring melee gameplay. For the first boss, I just had the scythes and parry all his attacks until he dies. Zero challenge even on the highest difficulty but you often die from one-hit kill traps (which sometimes you can't even avoid). This is definitely not " souls-like" in the slightest and it barely has any RPG progression (add meaningless points to increase damage or attack speed by tiny percentages).

The overwhelming success of indie titles shows that being an indie title is no longer an excuse for shallow gameplay. ELDERBORN feels like a unity cash-grab in many ways.

Any game that has a kick button and ragdoll physics has my vote

Jokes aside, I really enjoyed my time with this one. Fun and fast paced combat with a lot of different weapons, cool level design and environments, and a pretty awesome soundtrack. It's just a bit on the short side